Heroes vs Villains

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     With every happy memories, there must always be tragedy. In a distant building not far from Tokyo, laid a certain group of villains in an abandoned room, patiently waiting for this client to enter. However, the leader of this group grew too impatient.

"Where is he?!" growled the leader.
"Patience, Shigaraki." whispered the ominous shadow, "He is sure to come at any moment."
"I know that, Kurogiri!" He snapped, "but he's pissing me off every minute he hasn't arrived."
"Maybe he's just not interested in us." a voice replied nonchalantly.

His words triggered Shigaraki.

"The hell did you say?!"
"What? Am I wrong?"
"You know that's not nice, Dabi." the man in the black and white mask defended. "I mean, it is true, but still!"
"Think about it, Twice. If he really wanted to join, don't you think he should've been here by now?"

     Twice thought for a moment and realized that statement. If he's not here, then where is he?

"I actually can agree with Dabi on this one."
"Oh really?" Shigaraki said angrily, "Enlighten me as to why you agree with someone like him, Compress."
"From what his minions informed us, he never goes back on his word, unless certain aspects of the plan doesn't meet his standards properly. Besides, a gentlemen never plans to be this fashionably late for this long."

     As irritating as it sounds, he couldn't help but to scratch the parts of his neck.

"Calm yourself, Shigaraki." Kurogiri spoke, "if it'll ease your nerves, perhaps, we shall send two of our minions to look for him."

He then stopped and took deep breaths.

"Dabi, you and Twice will go find him. If any pro heroes stop you two, do much harm as you please."
"With pleasure." Dabi said with a grin.
"Wait. I'm going out there with him?" Twice asked, "He could surely do it himself, right? Well, since you insist, I'll join you."
"Open the portal to a location, Kurogiri."

       With one move, Kurogiri used his quirk to warp a portal to a headquarters of some kind. As both disappeared out of sight, Shigaraki growls in rage and continues to stare off in the distance.

"Chisaki Kai..."


     Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the Kiyashi Ward Mall, both Kai and I were sitting down, trying to relax after long runnings and shopping. It was so much fun. I have never been this happy for as long as I could remember.

"Didn't you have a good time, Kai?" I asked.

     He didn't respond as he glared at the sight that is in front of him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

When I looked towards the same direction, I saw Mirio, running towards us in rage. Without any warning, he started to tackle Kai into the ground.

"What did you do to her?" Mirio inquired in rage.
"I did no such thing, hero." Kai answered devilishly.
"You lie!"

     Kai was about to grab Mirio's arm with his quirk, but Mirio backs away, holding me closer to him.

"What are you doing, Mirio?" I asked.
"Trying to protect you from monsters like him!" Mirio replied in rage.
"W...wait! This isn't-"
"I know you did something to her, Overhaul!"

Overhaul? My mind wondered, Like the Shie Hassaikai's leader, Overhaul? But Kai's not a villain, is he?

"So what if I did something, what are you going to do about it, hero?"

     Mirio's face was filled with rage after his response was vague. Without hesitation, he ran towards him in a full scale attack.

"You bastard! I'll never forgive you if you did anything to hurt her!"

     Kai didn't fight back as Mirio started to punch him in the face with his quirk. I couldn't handle this disaster unfolding in front of me.

"Mirio, stop!" I pleaded as I grabbed hold on to his arm, "You don't have to do this!"
"I'm doing this for you, Y/N!" Mirio declared as he pointed his finger towards Kai, "I won't let this villain get away with this!"
"Of course you heroes would say something like that. You're just like the rest."
"Want to prove me wrong then? You villains are nothing but trouble!"

   No matter how hard I'd try to convince Mirio I was okay, he just wouldn't budge. It became too heart-wrenching, tears started to roll from my eyes.

"Please... Stop!"

     As I begged and begged, Kai started to notice my tears. Just like that, his mind began to race with frustration. When Mirio was close of making the final blow, Kai prepared to remove his glove and stretched his hand towards him.

"Goodbye hero." He declared as his quirk prepared to strike.

    Those few words shook me entirely as they both were about to collide into each other. Suddenly, my quirk activated in self defense, allowing me to chant a spell to stop them. Both of them were on the opposite sides of the park as I glared at them in frustration.

"Let me make something clear," I angrily replied in my hero form, "I don't like it when two people I care about fight without considering the person they're fighting for. So, if either of you hurt the one I care about without talking about it first, then I'll never forgive either of you. Are we clear?"

     Kai internally chucked as he saw how much you cared about this.

'She truly is something.' He thought to himself as I started to remove the chant.
"It looks like you get to live a little longer, hero."

     Mirio, in frustration, prepared to strike for an another attack, but I held him tightly to ensure he didn't need to fight anymore.

"Enjoy it while you can." Kai replied as he walked away, "You won't get another one again."

     Just when he was out of sight, he turned back, just to get a good look at me one last time. After a few minutes passed, he was gone. Nowhere to be seen again. After Mirio calmed down, I hit him with my fist towards his arm.

"What the hell was that, Mirio??"
"Sorry about that." He apologized. "I was just worried about you, that's all."
"Really?" I replied, "well, aren't you sweet?"

     However, my tone changed as I looked right back at him.

"But, if you ever think about doing something like that again, I'll make sure I hit you even if your permeation quirk is active. Understand?"
"Okay, okay. I'll try to remember next time."

     He then cleared his throat, making sure he returned back to his funny self again.

"Now, let's go home!" Mirio replied with the smile.

     As I nodded with a smile, we both walked away until I noticed something on the ground. It was a small raven keychain with a purple heart hanging on its beak.

Did Kai drop it on purpose? I wondered. Was it meant for me?

"You ready to go?" Mirio called from a distance.
"Um... Yeah. On my way!"

     Quickly, I grabbed hold on to the raven next to me and left. Knowing perfectly well, I would be lectured badly by Sir Nighteye when I go into his office in the morning.

Love without Boundaries: Overhaul x Hero ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now