The Revealing Truth

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** Your POV **

     I slowly moved up from the bed I was laying on. My arms ached and I started to feel uneasy.

'Where... where am I?' I asked myself.

     I looked around the room only to see a heart monitor, an IV, some food for me to eat, and a blanket. I then realized where I was: a hospital.

'Oh no...'

     I got up from the bed, only to sound the alarm from my room. A nurse came in and saw me awake and moving.

"Child, you need to rest." ordered the nurse.
"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm not a child. I may look small, but I'm not a kid!"
"Please, child, don't be rude to me. I'm only trying to help you. You need to get some rest."
"I won't. I've had plenty of rest necessary to move."
"Then, at least stay in bed. I'll bring your father in."
"Wait. My father's here?!"

     Before I could get an answer, the nurse left, leaving me stuck in a state of panic.

'Oh no.' I panicked 'If my father's here, then he'll know what happened. This can't be good.'

     Minutes later, the door opened. I looked right there and realized a small miscalculation: the 'father' the nurse was referring to was Midoriya, but why was he here?

** Earlier **

     Midoriya, who sat quietly in the waiting room, pondered over many different possibilities of how the little girl ended in this condition.

'That poor kid... how in the world did she get so many bruises? Did she run away from an abusive home? But why run towards us and not the police? Maybe she's running from the mob, but then again, not many of them exist minus the Shie Hassaikai group. So what could've happened? I know Mr. Aizawa said to ask her when she wakes up, but what if she can't remember? That'll be a bigger problem.'

     He then noticed one of the nurses who was coming nearby.

"How is she?" Midoriya asked.
"She just woke up from her coma. So she's going to make it."
"Thank goodness!" He said in relief. "Does she know what happened to her?"
"We may not know as of yet, but I suppose you can talk to your daughter about it. Have a good day."
"W...wait! I'm not her-"

     Before he could finish, the nurse was out of sight. He groaned with such disbelief, being mistaken as her father simply because he brought her in.

"Okay. Here goes nothing." He said while taking a deep breath.

He opened the door, seeing the child on the bed with her hair dangling on her face, sitting comfortably.

"How are you feeling?" He asked calmly.
"I'm feeling fine, Midoriya, thank you. But why are you here?"

     Midoriya stopped halfway and stood there, struck with such great confusion.

'Oh, crap!' I thought carefully, 'I said his name! He's going to know my secret! He's-'

"I'm sorry, but how do you know me? Not to sound mean, but I don't think I've seen you before."

'Is he serious? I should be glad, but I don't want to lie to him about this for long.'

     With a deep breath, I looked right towards him with a serious face.

"Well, it's not everyday I meet a student from UA that has the same potential of being a hero and admire others in the process."

     It took him a couple of seconds after I said those words until he realized who I was. He started to panic about it frantically as I remained in bed.

"Please calm down, Midoriya. I know it's a lot to take in."
"This can't be happening! No, I don't believe it. H/N has a beautiful body that rivals any pro hero, always brings hope to all that are near her with a cheerful smile."

I sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya. This is the one thing I never wanted anyone to see. I hid my true body because I fear everyone will hate it. Please don't say this to anyone."
"But why? You still look lovely, even in this form."
"No I'm not. Not with this."

     With my hand, I revealed to him a small horn laying on top of my head. Deku glared at it as I continued to speak.

"My parents expected their child to be beautiful since they were a generation of angelic heroes. But when I was born with this horn, they saw me at this point just hideous. They had verbally abused me to the point where I've given up hope and was killed by villains the very next day."

     Midoriya silently covered his mouth with such empathy in his eyes. He didn't realized that one of the best pro heroes was abused as a child. It was too painful to even think about.

"When they died, I wanted to end my life as well, if it wasn't for Sir Nighteye who rescued me." I continued, "he took me in as my adopted father and raised me when no one else would. I've been the hero everyone expects me to be, but now-"

     Tears started to fall from my face. I couldn't finish my sentence.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know just how bad you've been through even with all of this," apologized Midoriya.
"It's alright, Midoriya. No one even knew. My father forbade any info of my life to the public. It would've been harder for me to be with anyone. Plus, I couldn't live with myself if anyone thought the same thing my parents did if I walked in my original form."
"But, does Mirio-"

I shook my head.

"He's only seen the form I claimed to be the 'real' one."
"I see, but...something just doesn't add up. If you didn't want anyone to see this form, couldn't you use your quirk to mask it now?"
"I can't anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm quirkless now. My power's gone."

     Midoriya's eyes widen with shock. How is that possible?!

"I lost my quirk with some kind of curse when I was trapped with the league of villains, leaving me quirkless."

     With one turn, I showed him the back of my body where the bullet shot me at.

"I can't access to any of my powers, my hero form is beyond my reach and now, I'm..."

     With such frustration, I pound my fist on the bed. I've never felt such pain like this at all for a long while. Without my quirk, I can never become the hero I was destined to be.

"I'm useless! What's the point of being a hero when I have no quirk to save others?"

     I wept and wept until I felt a hand touch my head. As I looked up, it was Midoriya smiling with such hope.

"There's no need to cry. I promise you'll get your quirk back. So smile for me, okay?"

     Midoriya smiled and thought about this situation carefully:

'She's just like All Might: always trying to keep hope alive to others before themselves. But now that her quirk is gone, her hope is fading, unable to think of a better future. I'll help her get her quirk back, even if it is impossible. That I can promise.'

"But there's just one problem," I asked after Midoriya spoke, "I know you promised to help me, but how are we going to get my quirk back?"
"Um well..." Midoriya said nervously.

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