Promises and Heartaches

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     At the exact same moment, there was a sudden presence that bothered Overhaul's mind. It felt like someone was in trouble, but who?

"Is something troubling you, my young lord?" Nemeto asked.
"There's just things bothering my mind right now."
"I understand completely. But do not fret, young lord. Chronostasis will recover soon."

     Suddenly, right before he answered Nemeto's comment, Mimic had entered in the room with a shocking remark.

"Hey boss, come quick! It's Chrono! He just woke up!"

     Just in those few words, the three ran to see how Chronostasis is doing. When they reached the room, Overhaul noticed how badly his wounds are from head to toe.

"Mimic, Nemeto, prepare a healing room for Chrono. He needs to be fully stable before we can continue forward."
"Sure thing, boss!" Mimic obeyed.
"As you wish, sir." Nemeto agreed.

     After the two disappeared out of sight, Overhaul used his quirk to recover the major damages Chrono had obtained. When the process was complete, he looked towards Chrono to see if he's awake or alive at least.

"Sir..." Chrono spoke weakly as he opened up his eyes.
"I'm here, Hari. What happened?"
"I... I..."

     He tried to rise from the floor, but his energy was too severe for him to move upward.

"No need to rise, Hari. You're safe now."
"No. I failed you, sir. You shouldn't have healed me. I've let you down. She-"
"I already know, Hari. It wasn't your fault. I gave you an order and risked her life in danger in the progress. Don't blame yourself anymore. Now get some rest."

     Chronostasis sighed as he passed out in slumber. Overhaul then carried him in his arm while his underlings returned.

"The room's ready for him, boss." Mimic stated.
"Very good."
"Allow me to take him, sir." Nemeto offered. "He'll be taken care of personally by all of us."
"No need. I'll take him from here."

     He then walked towards the room as both Nemeto and Mimic glanced towards their boss. They've never seen him carry anyone that was deemed unworthy before. Whether if it was his right hand man or not, Overhaul never did anything like this before. As the two finally made it in the room, Overhaul laid him lightly on the bed to ensure he had plenty of rest.

"Hari... I'm sorry." He said as Chronostasis slept peacefully. "It was all my fault. If I took better care of her, none of this had happened."

     While he's never cried once in his life, his skin felt a cold stain rolling down his face. He touched it with one of his fingers, realizing it was a single teardrop.

"This feeling... what is this?"
"It's sadness." a voice echoed in the room.

     Surprised by a strange sound, Overhaul looked around to find the source of the voice.

"Who are you?" He asked with a stern tone. "Show yourself."

The voice never replied back.

'Was I hearing things?' he asked himself. 'I must be working too hard.'

     In an instant, he felt a yawn emerging through his mask. Even though there was more work to be done, the tiredness in my body was staring to shut down. Trying to fight it, my eyes slowly fell closed and I ended up asleep.

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