Black Cat

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However, what I never realized, there was another plan brewing in a different area for a different reason. Back at the base, a new villain entered their base, meeting both Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

"Are you the league who took down the Winged Hero?"
"We are. What's it to you?" Shigaraki asked.

He knelt in respect as he drew his sword towards the ground, expecting to be knighted.

"I am forever in your debt. You may use me what you wish."
"We're not some sort of club where you can join anytime you want! Kurogiri, get him out of here."

When Kurogiri was about to warp him out, Black Cat jumped right towards Kurogiri, cutting his sleeve and aiming the sword towards Shigaraki by the nape.

"I'm offering you my assistance and all you want to do is to send me away?"
"I don't like your type: trying to assume you're one of us."
"Having a sword in my possession and you already determined by what you think of me: a quirkless assassin."
"I'll have none of this! If you won't leave, I'll do it myself."

Just as Shigaraki was about to reach towards the villain's throat, Kurogiri used his quirk to avoid the attack.

"What are you doing, Kurogiri?" Shigaraki yelled angrily, "release me at once!"
"He's only doing what I have told him." Black Cat responded, "isn't that right, Kurogiri?"
"Yes, Master..." Kurogiri replied in a monotone.

Shocked at this revelation, he moved his hand away and sat back down.

"Just what are you?"
"A villain who have similar goals as you: just like you, I was ignored by Hero society as they took the only person I cared about away from me."
"How cute, but we're not accepting charity cases."
"I'd figure as much, which is why I also made a goal similar to yours: destroy society's symbol of peace by striking him down with this sword."
"You hate All Might?"
"Despise him at the latest."

With an evil grin growing at an instant, Shigaraki thought of something.

"You know what? You may be of use to us after all. Meet with Dabi at this location until we give you an assignment for you. We'll see if you're truly worth it."
"If that is what you wish."
"Oh, before you go, why don't you release Kurogiri for me? I don't want him to remain servitude towards you."
"If that is what you wish."

With a snap of his finger, the spell Kurogiri was under vanished without a trace as he stated to walk away.

"Hold up," Shigaraki called him out, "do you even know where they're at?"
"I'll find them on my own." answered the villain as he vanished without a trace.

Minutes later, as he was out of sight, Kurogiri spoke his concern.

"Are you sure we can trust this Black Cat? He shows up without any explanation, claims to be in our side, and is now working under us? We barely know anything about him."
"It doesn't matter if we should trust him or not." Shigaraki replied, "What matters is the outcome of this plan."
"Would you care to elaborate, sir?"
"It's true, we don't allow assassins to join. That's not how we run things, but then, I noticed something during our talk. He has a very unique quirk and that's something we can control within our grasp. You see, it's very quite simple: we have him do as he pleases and when we get the weapon Overhaul is creating, we can order Cat to dispose him at once. He would no longer be of use to us anymore afterwards."
"And Cat?"

Shigaraki, not uttering another word, took a look at the picture in question. With a smile on his face, he said:

"He won't be a problem anymore once he takes care of the job."


"Hey, guys! I'm back!" Toga replied with an evil smile.

The villains lair for the stragglers were one of the few places no hero could ever find. And yet, it was a perfect place for familiar villain squad to hide and practice their quirks without getting caught.

"What are his orders, Toga?" Dabi asked.
"He wants us to go forward with the operation."
"I see. Then, let's get started."
"Ooh! Looks everything is going to get spicy!" a man with glasses replied, holding a rather large support item on his shoulder.
"We don't need a full scale attack, but we need to have enough to leave them a message."
"And what about you, newbie," the lizard asked Cat, "What are your thoughts on this?"

Cat didn't say a word. He was just sitting there, sharpening his sword with a rough piece of stone.

"Black Cat." Dabi called out towards him, "what are your thoughts on this plan?"
"It shouldn't be hard to deal with." he responds with his blade out. "Just give me a person to handle and I'll deal with it personally."
"Then let's get going." Dabi replied.

As the group were walking out and preparing to attack where the operation was going to be, Black Cat stayed behind for a moment or two. If there was one goal he was wanting during this operation, it was one thing, or in his case, a person he was fighting for.

'We'll be reunited once again.' He promised himself, holding on to a pendant around his neck. 'I know it's been years, but I promise you: I'll find a cure for you.'

Feeling the presence of Dabi coming near, he placed the pendant under his villain costume.

"Cat," Dabi called out. "you ready? You're assignment is quite clear and ready to go."
"Sure. Let's go."


Just then, at a different location, someone starting to run towards a certain office door.

"Sir!" a woman called out, barging in his office, "We've got some Intel about-"

She slowly stopped, only to notice him in a dark room with a computer light shining his face.

"What is it, Bubble Girl?" Sir asked in annoyance, "What can be so important for you to barge into my door unannounced? And please, with emotion."
"Apologies, sir," Bubble apologized, "but we've received reports on the league of villains move and they're coming this way. Also..."
"Also?" insinuated Sir Nighteye.
"They... spotted H/N with them..." Bubble mumbled.
"Care to repeat that?"
"They spotted... H/N with them..."
"They saw H/N with them!"

Sir sat there angrily shocked.

"They seen her working alongside them."
"Impossible." Sir scoffed, "HN was kidnapped by the league. Why on earth would they be fighting alongside them?"
"Not sure, sir, but whatever the case may be, they'll be here in a few minutes."
"Very well then," Sir Nighteye declared as he got up from his seat, "prepare to fight against them."
"But sir, what about HN?"
"I'll deal with her. Make sure you and Centipede keep the other villains safely."
"Yes sir."

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