"My baby..." She whispered through her tears as she began to caress his hair. It had gotten shorter in the past year, but still maintained its usual messy style. She heard him chuckle as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder, tightening their hug.

It seemed like only yesterday, Izuku was running about in their home, pretending to be a hero. Now here he was, having now graduated from U.A. High School. Now on his way to achieving his dream. She wasn't ashamed to admit she had cried through the whole ceremony, seeing all these young students gathered together for the last time. But of course, she cried the most the moment she saw her son walk up the stage to collect his certificate.

The past three years felt like a dream to her, right from the moment she found out Izuku had suddenly developed a Quirk. All the fear she felt from watching him on the news way too many times. The understanding of allowing him to pursue his dream, even if it meant him leaving home for the dorms. So many things they both experienced in such a short time, but in the end, she knew, it was worth it.

Inko finally brought herself to step back from their long hug, looking up at Izuku as she reached out her hand to cup his face. It was still hard to believe how much he had grown. How much taller and stronger he had gotten. But even so, with the smile on his face and the tears in his own eyes, he was still the same. She smiled back at him before noticing a wet patch on his blazer.

"Oh gosh!" She gasped, covering her mouth. "I'm so sorry!"

Confused, Izuku looked down, seeing the patch for himself. "No, no, it's OK, Mum." Izuku insisted, waving his hands in front. He then went into his pocket and pulled out a tissue, handed it to her.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm already prepared." Inko showed him her soaked hankie, to which he chuckled. She chuckled as well as she wiped her tears, though she was sure she would shed more soon. "I even wanted to take a picture of you, but now with the wet stain..."

"Oh, no! It's OK. The tear patch isn't even that bad, see?" Izuku insisted, showing off the stain for emphasis. Inko was going to object again, but seeing how convinced he looked, she couldn't deny it.

"Alright, then." She replied, which earned a smile from her son. The two walked away from the crowd of attendees, heading towards the edge of the courtyard. Once there, Inko took out her phone and found her way to the camera app.

"OK, Izuku. Give a big smile for me." She instructed, though she knew she didn't have to. Izuku stood opposite her, holding the cylinder case close to his chest with both hands and giving a wide smile. She had to stop herself from tearing up again when she took the picture. His shoulders were slightly stiff, but she knew he was usually camera shy, so it never bothered her.

"Wonderful!" She said, showing him the picture taken, who approved of the image before she put her phone away. "So, are you going to your graduation party soon?"

"Yeah. Everyone's just meeting with their families." Izuku explained. Admittedly, Inko was looking forward in having their own little graduation celebration at home, but there was no way she was going to stop him from celebrating with his classmates, all his friends before they all have to go their separate ways. Besides, she knew there was always the next day, which he agreed to after apologising to her numerous times for leaving her for the night.

"Do you have to wear your own clothes for it?" She asked curiously.

He nodded. "Yeah. We're going to change in our dorms before heading off."

"Ah, I see." She then took his hand into hers, gently caressing it with her thumb. It was the one with many scars and admittedly, she made her heart wearier at the sight of her son already having some, but she knew it only added to his determination into becoming a hero. She would just have to get used to it. "Well, you make sure you have fun, OK? You don't know when you'll get this chance again with your friends."

Izuku smiled. "I will, Mum."

"Hey, Deku!" The two turned around to the sudden voice calling Izuku and in the distance, saw a group of his classmates. While there were some Inko didn't recognise, she did immediately recognise Uraraka, waving her hands above to grab their attention. Izuku did the same in response.

"We're heading to the dorms to get ready now." She called out.

"OK, just a second." Izuku replied. He turned around to face Inko, placing his hand over Inko's and giving her a quick kiss on the head. "I'll see you later, Mum."

"OK. Remember, have fun." She smiled. He smiled back before heading off, meeting up with Uraraka and the rest. He glanced behind once more, waving to her, to which she responded, before watching him disappear into the crowd.

"He's grown so much..." As she expected, she felt her tears falling again, only this time, she wasn't in a hurry to wipe them away. She understood a while ago that Izuku was growing up and that she couldn't hold him back. She would allow him to achieve his dreams. To fight and protect other.

But no matter how much he grows to the hero he worked hard to become, to her, he will always be her baby, through and through. No matter what, that will never change.

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