I didn't see Diego but I knew he had several rooms that he used in the apartment just like I did.  He must be getting ready with his valet. I choose a curve hugging blue dress from Dior and a flat shoe with a gel insole.

The reception was for the one hundredth anniversary of the charity Diego's was patron of.  It provided help for injured service men and woman. It was our first time hosting a reception by ourselves. The night went well and we took a photo with the charity members.

I was now seven months pregnant and my sister invites me to London. I decline of course and use the excuse I was not allowed to fly. She ask if she could visit me and I told her no. She knew the king had to gives permission for her to visit.

"Come on sis I haven't seen you since the wedding".

"I'm sorry Emma but I can't visit Denmark right now. I have a lot of work to do and Diego is really busy. It's just not a good time ok, I'm sorry".

"You're on maternity leave Victoria you can't be that busy".

"Like I said I'm very busy just because I'm not doing engagements. It doesn't mean I'm not working behind the scenes".

She just whines and whines, "I've to go I've lessons with the queen". She rolls her eyes at me, "Of course you do".

"Before I go how are you and Theo doing you've been dating for a while now right?"

"Yes, I think he's going to propose to me".

I inwardly cringe I knew from speaking to Debbie and articles in the glossy Danish magazine. That I read online he and Susan were happily married with another baby on the way. They were offered a lot of money to sell the wedding photos to the newspapers because Debbie and Antonio would attend. They turned it down.

"That's wonderful news look I have to go bye". 

I end the Skype call, Diego who was listening in kisses me.

"Have I told you I love you today".

"Once or twice".

" I have a surprise for you".


"Remember that babymoon I promised you".

I don't let him finish and passionately kiss him. As we were in bed he starts to undress me and we make love. Afterwards he ask "Did I hurt you?"

"Diego I'm fine sex isn't going to hurt me or the baby".

Two days later we were in the Seychelles. We didn't really go into town their just enjoyed ourselves at the villa. It was lovely just being together as a couple with no distractions.

Diego and I returned to Sardinia to a surprise baby shower. Debbie came but my sister wasn't invited. William had an engagement he couldn't cancel. The shower was lovely I got some cute baby clothes for both boys and girls.  Unfortunately news leaked about the baby shower.

My sister calls me, "You didn't invite me to your baby shower Victoria. I'm your damn sister".

"Look I didn't know about it okay it was a surprise". Even if I did I wouldn't have invited you I thought to myself.

"Did you go on a babymoon the article said you did. You look very tanned in the photos?" Photos were leaked to the press also.

"This place is hot all year Emma of course I'm going to be tanned". She put the phone down on me.

Two hours later there was a newspaper article saying I bugged Debbie's phone when she first came to Denmark. It was trending number 1 on twitter. Mia sent me the link.

Debbie calls me, "I've given a statement saying it's not true".

"Oh Debs why would you do that for me?"

"You apologised to me for doing it Victoria and I don't want you upsetting yourself and getting your blood pressure up. We need to get that baby cooking for the nine months it needs. I know how much this baby means to you guys".

"Thank you".

"My dad has already spoken to your father-in-law and dad please don't get upset about it. It's all water off a duck's back please don't give the person who did this. The pleasure of seeing you upset and having to go to hospital. You don't want to put your baby in harms way".

We finish our conversation and dad calls me, "How are you Victoria?"

"I'm okay dad I just spoke to Debbie. I can't believe she did that for me".

"Your cousin loves you".

"Yeah she really does."

William joins our chat because he was concern about my stress level. It was lovely to speak to them both on zoom together. When the conversation ended I was feeling much better than before.

I checked Twitter again people were twitting how disgusted it was someone would say that. Just as I was weeks away from giving  birth.

Beyond The Tiara(house of Jensen Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now