Chapter Ten

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Sorry for any mistakes. My phone randomly autocorrects words so if you see smth that doesn't fit let me know


Jeongguk felt warmth spread through his body and it felt so foreign like he's been cold all his life and was only now getting to feel the rays of the sun on his skin. It felt like he was laying on an open field, bathing in the sun on a summer day, something that seemed so familiar but so unreal.

There was no sunshine there and he certainly wasn't laying on a flowery field but the warmth of Taehyung's lips on his mad his whole body buzz with warmth like it was actually happening. His hand was no longer on the other's eyes but Taehyung seemed like he was going to keep his promise because his eyes were still closed as he pressed himself even closer to him, so close that Jeongguk's body was fully attached to Taehyung's at this point. In the weakness of the moment, he allowed himself to close his eyes, to enjoy that warmth, because he wasn't sure if he was ever going to experience something like that again.

This was a one time mistake and he wasn't going to do it again.

Jeongguk certainly didn't know what he was doing but it felt natural to put his hands on Taehyung's waist as the other moved his lips on his. A few seconds passed before the buzz in his chest became too powerful and he felt the need to push the other away, as long as he could still do that.

Once their lips disconnected, Taehyung let a sigh fall out of his lips, one that resembled how Jeongguk felt as well. Moving fast, the Shadow put the cloth back on his face, then watched as Taehyung slowly opened his eyes.

And the Prince seemed to glow as a smile spread on his face.

The other didn't talk anymore but Jeongguk still guided him towards the bathtub with careful movements, then helped him get inside and under the foam. After he was sure that the other was safe and relaxed, he turned away to leave, only to be stopped by his hand.

"Stay." The other said and Jeongguk immediately understood that it wasn't a command. It was a plea.

And he would do anything for his Taehyung so, even if his heart ached at the thought that he should've left and his in the shadows, he stayed. He moved towards the couch that was in the room and sat down, his eyes focused on the man in the bathtub. Taehyung offered him a pleased mind before he closed his eyes and relaxed his body in the water, enjoying the warmth of it an the happiness blooming inside his chest.

He felt like he was on cloud nine but, at the same time, a part of him knew that what he's done was wrong. It was punishable by death and not only because the other was his Shadow, but also because he was a man. Taehyung couldn't imagine what his people would think of him if they were to find out that he's kissed a man but he also didn't want to think about it. For him, it was normal and he thought that everyone should've thought the same.

After what felt like hours, Taehyung heard shuffles around him and, after he opened his eyes, he noticed that his caim was holding his bathrobe. A sign for him to step out since the water was already getting colder.

Taehyung did so, raising from the water and feeling the cold air on his skin. He let the other engulf him in the material, his Shadow's eyes never once leaving his, then walked back inside his room and prepare himself for sleep. He had a lot of things to attend to the following day so Taehyung really felt like he needed to rest in order to have a clear mind.


The following morning found him splayed on his bed and when Taehyung finally opened his eyes, he was met with the sight of his Shadow standing near his door. His eyes were bloodshot again and guilt crept into his heart at the thought that it was all his fault.

Cuddling more into his comforter, Taehyung looked up, then smiled. "Caim," he mumbled, watching as the other tilted his head in acknowledgement. "come rest a little bit."

Taehyung pat the space next to him but he wasn't expecting the other to actually accept his offer. However, the man moved until he was near his bed, then laid down on the other side, right next to Taehyung, who shuffled a little bit so that there was enough space between them. Turning on his side, Taehyung stared at the other's side profile, his features being visible as forms because of the angle. He still had the cloth on his face but Taehyung could now see the arch of his nose and the outline of his lips.

"Wow, you must be really handsome." He said once he noticed the other's sharp jawline.

The other turned around and their eyes met, making heat warm Taehyung's cheeks.

"Rest. We can still stay here for two more hours and I won't leave your side."

His statement seemed to make the other more at ease and, before Taehyung knew it, his eyes fell shut and his breathing became calmer. He was probably exhausted so the Prince was glad he was able to at least let him rest for two hours. He knew that he couldn't get out of the bed since the other would wake up right away so he stayed there, next to his Shadow, and at some point he dozed off as well.

His mind drifted off to dreams in which he was running on open fields, free of the masks he always had to wear, a person with an unknown face running after him while laughing. Taehyung couldn't hear his voice but he could see his eyes sparkling under the sunlight and they were oddly familiar, eyes he's been seeing everyday for years. At some point they both laid on the grass, Taehyung turned towards the man as he tried to understand who he was and what he was doing there. He couldn't recognize him but when the other turned towards him, eyes sparkling as he smiled, Taehyung realized he didn't need to.

Because he didn't need a face or a visual image in order to recognize the warmth that spread through his whole body, even in a dream, once the man touched his cheek. He didn't need to hear his voice or know his name, even if he wanted to, so, so much.

He didn't need visual or auditory factors to help him recognize that person because his heart always knew who he was.

When Taehyung opened his eyes, the remains of the dream still present in his mind, a smile appeared on his face. It all felt so real, so good, that his skin was still tingling with excitement. He turned around, wanting to check if the other was still sleeping, and was surprised to see him with his eyes closed and an arm around him, like he was making sure he stayed there. His smile only grew bigger when he noticed how peaceful the other looked, probably knowing and feeling that he was safe.

He slowly turned his body towards him, then buried his head into his chest, inhaling deeply before he clutched his arms onto the other's chest. He could feel the brooch under his fingertips, which made him smile.

"I wish you'd lay next to me every night and rest, caim." He mumbled, feeling a tear roll down his cheek. "I wish you'd let me hug you when you're awake as well. Maybe even hug me back. But you wouldn't, I know."

What Taehyung didn't know was that the man was awake, fully conscious of his actions. He's fallen asleep at some point and his arm has circled the other's waist in an attempt to bring him closer, to keep him safe, but he's woken up once he's felt Taehyung's body move. The other thought he was sleeping so, without a single care, Jeongguk tightened his arm around his waist, bringing him even closer, then nuzzled his face into his hair. He felt Taehyung's whole body go still at that but after only a few seconds the other was breathing calmly and his arms were clutching even more on his shirt.

Jeongguk would've loved to do the same every night, to protect the other and watch him sleep but to also show him how much he actually cared. But he couldn't.

He couldn't, not only because he was his Shadow, but because he couldn't allow himself to act like that with Taehyung while the mark on his face burned his skin, reminding him of its meaning.

The mark of a bastard.

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