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Taehyung was intrigued by their reflexes to his question. They looked like either they'll die or they'll kill. The killing intent was mostly from Jungkook.

The boys didn't answer for a few solid minutes. They just stared at him and analyzed his body language. Seeing if he was a threat or if that was just an innocent question.

Oddly enough, they found somethings about Taehyung's body language very peculiar. Peculiar in the sense that normal people or even criminals didn't act like the way Taehyung did.

Jimin was the perfect comparison. Despite Jimin being more of the reserved kind, his posture was very laid-back and slightly hunched like any other normal person.

But Taehyung, despite his rather playful demeanor, had a stern posture. His body stood in a straight line, like a pole. His shoulders were always alert. His face couldn't be deciphered easily. Almost like his entire body and reflexes had been remodeled. Like he was trained to move a certain way.

His movements uncannily resembled Jungkook's.

Maybe that's why the raven was so interested in the boy.

His dressing was a bit odd as well. The others shredded their extra garments as the morning cold reduced and the heater warmed them up. But Taehyung still wore his full sleeve shirt completely covering himself. He didn't even remove the gloves he was wearing.

It seemed like he didn't want to show any parts of his skin. That made the boys more curious as to why the male was going to such lengths to cover himself up. It was hot inside the shop.

"Guys?" Jimin interrupted their inspection with a questioning look. And that's when they realized they were taking too long to answer.

"Uhh, right! You can say we're just passing by" Namjoon answered skillfully. But the smirk on Taehyung's face told him otherwise. "I see. But it doesn't seem to me like all of you are just passing by" the tall male said and sat back on the chair backward and looked straight at Jungkook.

The raven narrowing his eyes at the brunette. "What is that supposed to mean," Jungkook asked through gritted teeth. Taehyung's smirk growing at the reaction. "You don't look like someone just passing by. You look like somebody who's running towards something. I know that look in your eyes. All too well." The male grinned even larger as he saw how Jungkook's eyes got darker.

The rest looked at the two with confused stares. Even Jungkook's hyungs didn't know what the boy was talking about. But judging by Jungkook's glare, he had hit the nail pretty good.

The boys were astonished by how good Taehyung was at reading people.

Jungkook on the other hand looked pissed. He was about to say something when the shop doors opened with a small clink.

They all turned towards the man that entered the place. He was really tall with messy bleached hair. The male had tattoos running around every exposed part of his body.

And just from the male's eyes, they could tell he wasn't someone to mess with. But what happened next shocked them.

Taehyung and the man fist-bumped and giggled at each other. Jimin following right behind. "You've got visitors boss" Jimin chirped and pointed at the four. The male turned to the four men and introduced himself.

"The name's GD. How you fellas doin?" The owner of the tattoo parlor said. The boys then introduced themselves and told him about their situation. And by the end of the hour, Yoongi had become a new worker of the shop whilst the others were going to visit during their empty hours to help clean up for some extra cash.

"We're off to the bar!" Taehyung shouted as his shift didn't start until later in the afternoon. It was dangerous during the night time but that's when the tattoo business boomed the most. And Taehyung wasn't the type to be afraid it seemed.

"I'm gonna visit during lunch break. Slide me a free drink will ya?!" Jimin shouted back as the brunette was exiting the door. "You wish!" Was the last thing Taehyung said before shutting the door.

They walked the rest of the way to Diplo in complete silence. The tension around Taehyung and Jungkook was thick.


I spy with my little eye, the murderers that pass by

- Hoseok's untidy socks


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