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Longass chapter ahead!

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"Alright, Namjoon call Hobi and Jimin over will you? We're going to review the plan" Jin asked the tall male. Namjoon just nodded and went to the common room.

The meeting room was yet again dim with the lit computer screens as their only source of light.

But it didn't bother any of them since the room was well lit anyway.

Yoongi had a lot of computers...

The meeting table held a detailed blueprint of the Gangnam main headquarters. Every hallway was well printed and splayed for them to see.

Taehyung's eyes scanned through the whole table, taking in everything that he could and burning the picture into his mind.

The brunette was hunched over the table with his plams supporting most of his weight. His eyes went through the print over and over again.

He was almost in a trance but broke out of it once he felt two strong arms wrap around his waist. Jungkook leaned his chin onto his shoulder and peered into the print.

"It's finally coming together baby" he heard his boyfriend say. "I can't wait" Taehyung breathed out and leaned into Jungkook's arms. The raven hummed, the vibration rumbling in his chest. "Me too" Jungkook kissed the junction of Taehyung's neck. The brunette blushed yet smiled softly.

Jungkook remembered not to kiss his shoulders or hands like most guys do to their spouse. Taehyung didn't like it when he kissed the back of his hand once. Telling him how he hates it since he can't feel anything in those regions and it makes him feel insecure. Thus Taehyung's boyfriend was always cautious of that fact.

"Alright lovebirds, focus. We have an asshole to destroy." Yoongi interjected.

The couple looked at him but didn't move from their position. The older sighed and just let the lovers be.

"From what I've gathered, Belrich is gonna be at the Gangnam HQ exactly at 3 in the afternoon. The biggest officials are coming to the meeting so the timing would be absolutely solid" Yoongi started.

"That means security will be just as tight" Namjoon stated, the rest nodding with him.

"We'll need access to the building without all the fuss and we need to get there from the front. Otherwise it'll be too tricky to leave undetected" Jin spoke whilst scanning the building layout.

"I can get us access" Jimin spoke confidently. The other looked at him. "We can go as normal employees, Namjoon can get us fake id. As for front security I can handle them. Once we're inside, it's free reign." The male explained.

"Sounds good. We get one group through the main entrance and we'll need one group for the back entrance. Once we've taken down Belrich we need an escape route" Jungkook said. The guys humming.

The rest of the planning went with them pitching ideas and finding loopholes in their plans. It took the rest of the day finding the perfect game plan.

And soon it was the day of action.

The boys were ready in their attires. Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin in crisp suits. Yoongi would be at base as usual, messing with the cameras and guiding them through. Making sure they were virtually undetectable.

Hoseok and Namjoon were already at the site. Namjoon was in the van waiting for instructions whilst Hoseok found the most suitable spot on the opposite building with his rifle ready.

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