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Avery's POV,
I am now back at school. Yay!
Ps. Note the sarcasm

I am so embarrassed. Kara and I had managed to embarrass ourselves a million times Friday afternoon. I just hoped he never told anyone that I was preggo like I told him to.

It was like I had bad karma or something. Today Kara went off to visit her grandma in golden acres, a home for old people across town and my other much crazy friend Rebecca was at the dentist to get a silver tooth. Like I said, crazy.

I don't like being alone. It makes me think and when I think like that it is not good. For instance this dude has glanced at me three times now. Four scenarios are running through my head.

Either he knows I am pregnant, knows I messed up our bad boy's jacket and shoes, a rumor about me is spreading or he is a stalker that wants to kill me.

Classes went by quickly and now I am back to the place where my paranoia most likely started. The cafeteria

I enter and the noise simmers then raises again. This is one of the few times I am glad for humans need of chatter.

"Puke girl!" I hear from in the middle of the room.

Oh gosh no. Not only was I called that horrible name but all attention is solely on me completely.

I hate unwanted attention but I be a good person and grace Sir Daniel with my humble presence.

"You called your highness?" I said with as much annoyance that I could.


The audacity of this high schooler. Thinking I am at his beck or call.

Before I could storm off I was pushed in the seat between the two flirts. Actually, they all are flirts.

"Your name,sweetheart" Jonah, the star football player of our school said to me.

"Is not sweetheart" I smartly responded.

"Now now dear. That's not how you speak to my friends" a certain someone's tsked. (Lol it seems thats not a word but imma use it anyway)

"I want to leave. Go back to my friends and a life without you."

"Well dearie, you vomited on my leather jacket and Jordan's. One was real and the other a limited edition. You have crossed me and good things don't happen to people who get in my way. So you see little girl, you can never leave. And you will never have a life without me. For I am king."

At the end of that outrageous speech he held out his hands in the air. What an obnoxious jerk.

Knowing he was somewhat right I harrumphed and stuffed my mouth. This elicited chuckles and looks of disgust. The latter was mainly from the head cheerleader and her left and right hand females.

Around this table is only seated the stars of the school and/or their two main followers. Introductions are as followed.

• Stephanie Taylor - Head cheerleader,ex of Daniel and basically half the school. Major bitch but quite pretty with the typical blonde hair and blue eyes.
• Tiffany Taylor - Twin of Stephanie, right hand of Stephanie on the cheer squad and basically anywhere. Boy crazy and diet crazy. Blonde hair blue eyes.
• Diana White - Left Hans of Stephanie. Geographically smart with blonde light curled hair which is obviously dyed and blue eyes.
This trio is known by many names. Most common are the 3B's and STD which is my fav because it's true.
• Gregory Simmons - Swim captain, best friend of Daniel, player number 3 who other than his sports and good looks is known for his academics which is pretty high considering the dummies who attend our school.
• Jonah Gooden - Football co-captain, not good in every sense, quite toxic, player number 2, known for girls, sports, being best friend of Daniel, good looks and pranks.
• Daniel Wilson - Captain of every team even though he is only on the football team(what some people call soccer is football where I am from).Bad boy, jerk, womanizer, scares the socks off everyone including the principal, well known for good looks, skipping classes, getting high grades and fighting.

That's all for now because quite frankly I can't name everyone at the table. Some are left and right hands while others are just friends or simply invited today by one of these high top personnel's so in other words, they are irrelevant. For the time being.

Now I think it's time we get back to the horrible occurrence that I can not escape which has given me so many things all at once that I don't junk is bear one more load. Aka, my life.

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