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Jonathan was furious. His eyes turned black, and he couldn't contain his anger. Everything that was standing uninterrupted just a while ago in the living room was now falling on the ground, combined with Jonathan's screams made an enormous amount of noise.

Clary and the child were nowhere to be found.

He was pacing back and forth. Holding his sister's blouse close to his chest, he tried locating her - for nothing. Clary's anti-tracking rune was powerful, like herself. 

"I did everything for her. She was my world, and she left. How could she?" He muttered to himself, angrily and threw the blouse on the floor.

Frustrated, Jonathan sat for a while and tried to calm his nerves, at which he almost succeeded. After a few minutes, he realized something - Clary couldn't have run away alone. Someone must have helped her.

He had an idea who that might have been. Jace.

Anger started to bubble up inside him again. "I will kill him" He smiled devilishly, thinking of how he would end that pathetic blonde boy once and for all. "and get her back."

His mind was set. He got up rapidly and smirked. "I am going to New York."

Having the advantage of no one knowing who he was, he wandered the area surrounding The New York Institute. There was a plan cooking in his head. He would simply knock and ask for permission to stay for a while. He would introduce himself as Daniel Blackthorn from The Atlanta Institute and that he was traveling. Jonathan knew it actually could work. It is always the darkest under the lighthouse, is it not?

Jonathan straightened his posture and knocked three times on the old door.

• • •

He was right. The New Yorkers invited him into their home willingly, unaware of anything. He spent the first two days gaining their trust. It was awfully easy. Even though he had demon blood he could be very charming.

Over these two days, he had learned that Jace wasn't currently at The Institute. Which only made Jonathan believe more that he was with Clary.

He was walking down the hallway when he noticed Isabelle. She looked nervous, he felt the need to find out why.

"Hey, you okay?" He tried to sound like he actually cared.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. It's about my brother." She sighed.

"The one that almost everyone calls the best soldier? Or the one that seems to not like me very much."

"Yeah, the first one. He's been gone for a few days and hasn't contacted anyone." She had a worried expression appearing on her face. "And by the way, don't worry about Alec. He doesn't really like anybody."

"Thanks... and I am sure he will come home soon." He smiled and rubbed her shoulder.

She let her breath out and got up.

"I have to go on a patrol now. Bye for now."

Jonathan watched Isabelle leave, and then he went into Jace's room direction.

He looked around and swiftly got inside the bedroom. He grabbed onto the first thing he had noticed and started to track Jace.

The feeling he was getting was very faint. He wasn't sure where Jace was. The only thing he knew for sure was that he was far. Annoyed, he sped out of the room and bumped into Alec that just shot a suspicious glare at him.

Jonathan gathered the very few things he had and hurriedly left The Institute. The outside was cold and dark. Yet Jonathan did not feel the cold. He was boiling with anger. It made him feel like he was on fire.

All he could think of was Clary. His little, precious sister, the sister that abandoned him. Not thinking much, he pulled out a small dagger and carved I MISS YOU on his forearm. He grinned and wandered off into the dark.

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