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Jace was putting the things that they got away while his girlfriend was on the sofa with Isabella. They got so much that Clary had to portal back and forth to get everything to the house.

Although Jace did not particularly enjoy shopping itself and thought that it was unnecessary to get so many things. He still loved the fact that he got to spend time with his girlfriend. It made him happy how excited she got during the day and how picking up drapes, tablecloths, and blankets made her smile. She kept saying she wanted to make the cabin more 'homey'. So he didn't comment on how crazy she would get at times at the store.

He was almost done. Just one more thing.

"Hey, Clary? How about we frame some of your drawings? It would make this place look more 'homey'."

"Oh my god, Jace. You are the cutest boyfriend any girl could ask for." She squealed and grinned so big at him. "Well, I try my best." He said coyly.

"You're impossible sometimes, you know Jace?"

"Well, I gotta keep up with my girl. Don't I?"

With one swift motion, she threw a pillow at him.

"Aggressive much?" He asked jokingly. "Is it because you are hungry?"

"Actually, I would like something to eat."

"I know you all too well, Clary. Let me make something, and then we can pick which drawings we will frame."

"Okay, let me put her down, and then I'll come and help you out."

• • •

The couple, although tired, enjoyed the dinner together very much. Both Clary and Jace missed being together. So things even as simple as sitting down and eating together would bring them both so much joy.

After dinner, they picked and put up the drawings - of Clary and Jace, Isabella, and The New York Institute.

They were all hanging in the small living room, above the sofa.

"This place is starting to look so nice, Jace." She said as she looked with amazement. It changed so much. All it needed was some cleaning and the accessories she purchased.

"It's all thanks to you, baby."

"Oh, don't be so shabby. You did your fair share of work."

"I mean, yeah. I did amazing."

She sighed loudly and rolled her eyes so he would see. She wanted to comment back. All of a sudden, she heard her baby was starting to wake up.

"Jace, I have to go to the bathroom. I'll prepare a bath for Bella."

"Wow, that came out of nowhere."

"She's waking up, and I should honestly bathe her." She said as she was walking away to the bathroom. "Could you go to her room and watch her for a bit?"

"Sure, no problem, baby."

He went to the nursery and sat beside the cot. The baby wasn't fully awake yet, but she was stirring a lot.

Jace didn't admit it to Clary, but he liked to watch her baby. She was so tiny and adorable, it made his knees weak.

Isabella woke up and surprisingly didn't start screaming. She just looked curiously at him.

"Hi there. How did you sleep, young lady? Well, I hope." He said and started to make funny faces at the little girl.

Isabella squealed and started to kick her legs happily.

"You like when I make a fool of myself. Yeah? You are very fortunate then. I excel at it." He proceeded to make funny noises, and he tickled the baby.

After a few minutes, Clary walked in and interrupted them.

She was standing there, staring at the pair in awe. She loved how sweet Jace was.

"You look good like this." She said with a smile.

"I look good most of the time." He turned around to face her and smirked.

"I meant with Bella. You look good with a baby. You're a natural." She meant everything she said.

Jace was a perfect father material. There was so much love and patience within him. Unlike Jonathan, he never complained about the baby's crying or fussing.

She walked up to Jace and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. She swiftly picked up the laughing infant and walked out of the nursery, to the bathroom.

"Do you want to accompany us?"

"Sure. I'll see how it's done." Jace stood up and followed Clary to the bathroom. Walking in, he was hit by a hot air that smelled like vanilla and lavender. "By the Angel, Clary. You made this bathroom a freaking sauna." He took his shirt off and shook his head.

Clary was busy getting her daughter into the small baby bathtub, so she chose to brush off his comment. All she did was chuckle softly.

Jace couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was in the way - he decided to sit down and watch Clary bathe Isabella. Occasionally he would hand her something, but all he did was watch his girlfriend.

After the bath was over, the couple sat on the sofa with the baby. Clary nursed the baby and showed Jace how to properly burp her. He was a good 'student' and listened to everything his girlfriend was explaining to him.

"Jace, do you want to hold her?" Asked Clary with an encouraging smile. "She's getting sleepy. We couldn't ask for a better time."

"Are..are you sure?" His voice was hesitant. "I've never done anything like this before."

"Yeah, come on." She moved closer to him and handed him the swaddled baby. "Support her head." She helped him position her daughter. "There you go. Can you see? It's not hard at all." She patted his shoulder and grabbed a phone from the coffee table.

"What are you doing?" He asked in confusion.

"I have to take a picture. You two look absolutely adorable." She squealed. "Smile!"

She sat back on the couch and showed Jace the picture.

"Look at you two. So cute"

"I know. I usually look cute" He grinned.

She kissed his lips and whispered something to his ear. He smiled devilishly at her.

"Okay Jace, let's put her to bed. Then we have some plans concerning our bed." She gently took Isabella from his arms, winked at him, and went to the nursery.

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