THANKSGIVING: Draco and Sasha

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Thanksgiving Day.

We never had that in the Wizarding World, but it sounds nice.

I woke up to a text from Sasha. It said:

Happy Thanksgiving! I love you so much. See you tonight :)

I smile and send her a thank you. We were all having Thanksgiving dinner together, which was exciting. Sasha said it would be a small get-together with the gang, which seems fun.

I grab the Marauders Map from my closet as well as my wand. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," I mutter. The map opens. I'm not on there. Thank goodness.

Father and Mother seem to be at home still. That's where they have been for the past few months. I feel bad leaving Mother behind.

But at the same time, I have no regrets whatsoever.

A knock comes at my door. I thought it was Sasha, but I was wrong.

"We have a problem" It's Diara.

"Uh, hello to you too," I mutter and let her inside. Diara was never stressed, ever, so this must be urgent.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"This." Diara shoves her phone in my face. It's a picture of Hakeema and me together.

How the hell?

"What the? Your kidding, right?" I ask, mortified.

"It's Photoshopped, but it's on Instagram. We need to keep Sasha away from Instagram otherwise it will be a huge disaster." Diara takes back her phone.

"She's inactive, good." She sighs. "Let's head to my place. That's where Sasha is staying for the week."

I nod and we walk the block and a bit to Diara's house. It was white with a baby blue awning, a porch swing, and an oak tree low enough to climb. It reminds me of the tree I use to climb at Hogwarts. Seth waits outside, asleep in a patch of sun.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Sasha hugs me and Diara.

"You too." I discreetly take her phone out of her back pocket and hand it to Diara. Sasha's brown hair now has blond highlights and she is wearing patchwork jeans with a white shirt and a matching denim jacket. A boy Jenson's age stomps down the stairs. He has messy blond hair that is hidden partially by a blue hoodie that is the same color as his deep blue eyes.

"Another guy, Diara?" The boy jokes and Diara slaps his arm.

"This is Sasha's boyfriend, dummy." Diara rolls her eyes.

"Sup." He nods in my direction.

"Hey." I nod back as Sasha takes my hand.

"Wasn't Issac supposed to go on that trip with your brother?" I ask Sasha as we follow Diara into her spacious, but the cozy living room. Cameron is already there.

"It was a lottery from Jenson's French class. Issac takes Mandarin." Sasha clarifies, and I nod. We talk for hours until a woman enters the room.

She is the spitting image of Diara, with the same light blonde hair and piercing blue eyes the color of ice. She wore a kind smile on her face that instantly made me feel at home.

"Hello everyone!" She says warmly. Sasha gets up to hug her.

"How's my second daughter?" Ms. Dail asks Sasha.

"I'm hanging in there." Sasha smiles. Ms. Dail looks at me.

"Is this the nice boy Diara tells me about?" Ms. Dail asks.

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