Day 29: Draco

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Neither Sasha nor I slept well.

The only times we slept were when one of us accidentally dozed off during our TV show binge, and that wasn't for very long because the other person woke up the sleeping person to catch them up. We finished the whole season around five in the morning, Sasha barely awake, her head on my chest, and she was crying.

"Why..." She wipes her eyes. "That was so mean," She pouts.

"There's a season two," I reply and Sasha eagerly snatches the remote before passing out. I laugh and let her sleep, thankful that it was Friday and the only class we had was Care of Magical Creatures. I fall asleep.

I wake up back in my dorm, but a note was on my bedside.

"I'm sorry," It says. "I have to go. It's for the best,"

"No," I rip up the note, but it was scattered everywhere.

"NO!" I scream, and I sit up, realizing it was a nightmare. Sasha was still asleep on my chest. I rub my eyes and look at the clock. 12:03 p.m. Sasha stirs and wakes up.

"Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty," I kiss her forehead. Sasha snaps awake.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"Noon, why?" I ask. Sasha jumps out of bed and runs into our bathroom, getting ready as fast as she could. Not seconds later, she kisses my cheek and runs out the door.

What was so urgent that she ran out for? For her own safety, I follow her until she reaches Snape's classroom.

"Whew, sorry Harry. I forgot our meeting time," Sasha pants.

"Not a problem," Harry says and I roll my eyes.

"I'm ready whenever you are," Sasha says, closing her eyes. Wait, what is she doing?

"Brilliant. Now, lock it all away and I'm going to search through your mind," Harry pulls out his wand.

"Before we start, you have all of your unlock triggers?" Harry asks.

"Yes," Sasha confirms before Harry puts the tip of his wand on her forehead. Deciding Sasha was safe, I head to the Room of Requirements to work. I sit and fix and fix some more. I put in a green apple, and it comes back with a bit in it. How I don't know.

I forgot what it felt like to remember that I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, am an assassin. I basically forget Sasha and just work.

"Oh hey. Thought I'd find you in here," Sasha walks in when the sun has started to set. I spot the orange glow behind her when she enters.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, sharper than I intended.

"I wanted to say sorry for running out on you this morning. I forgot about my appointment with Harry and-"

"What did your dad do to you?" I cut in.

Sasha thinks. "Oh, you mean last night?" She asks and I nod. "Well, he told me that The Dark Lord would probably search my mind, so he and Harry are helping me lock away memories and open them with triggers," Sasha explains. I nod and continue to work, not paying attention to Sasha at all. She didn't seem to mind, as she kept herself busy by reading or practicing building her "mind wall."

"Bubs?" Sasha asks and my heart swells.

"Yes, my love?" I ask, turning around.

"Hi," Sasha smiles and I chuckle.

"Hello, love. Are you hungry?" I ask. Sasha shakes her head.

"Nope, just wanted to say hi and see your face," Sasha says cutely. "And tell you I have to go,"

"Go?" I ask. "Go where?"

"Ella, Daphne, and I have a Transfiguration assignment I promised I would help them with. I'll be back afterwards, I promise," She kisses me softly before heading out.

"Love?" Sasha turns around.

"Owl me when you get to the Common Room, alright?" I ask.

"Sure. Love you," And off Sasha goes.

Twenty minutes go by and no letter. I stop working and peek at my wand. The tip was red.

I burst open the door and tap the tip of my wand on the floor. A pair of red footsteps led me out onto the Quidditch Pitch. Cormac McLaggen and his band of idiots are crowding around Sasha.

"Too bad you're a Slytherin, I would probably have asked you out," McLaggen says, trying to grab Sasha's hand before she rips it away.

"Move it or lose it, McLaggen. I'm taken and definitely not interested," Sasha snaps.

"Aw come on, you can't have a little fun?" Cormac taunts.

"Oi! Step away from my girlfriend!" I bellow, causing all the Gryffindorks to run off the pitch. Cormac brushes his hand against Sasha's back, and before I can interfere, she slaps him across the face.

Cormac looks shocked to say the least. "Watch your back from now on," He seethes. Sasha shoots him a glare before he runs off. I rub her back.

"Are you alright?" I ask her as she turns to face me.

"Yeah," Sasha says glumly. "They were just rude and made me uncomfortable, that's all," I pull her in for a hug.

"As long as I'm around, they won't do that anymore, I promise," I kiss Sasha's promise ring, a symbol of the promise I just made.

"Thank you," Sasha smiles and we head back to our dorm. The second we get in, Sasha gets a map and her wand.

"What's that for?" I ask. Sasha bites her inner lip.

"Harry, Dumbledore, and I are going to get my father's things from Azkaban," Sasha says, and a knife cuts through me when I hear Dumbledore's name.

"Don't go," I grab Sasha's hand. 

"I have to. Besides, this is my plan, and I worked it out perfectly," Sasha says confidently.

She doesn't get it, does she?

"I can't lose you, too," I whisper, tears in my eyes. Sasha brushes my cheek with her fingers.

"And you won't. I'll return home safely and we can finish our show. I promise," Sasha promises.

I wrap her in a hug. "I love you," I whisper.

"And I love you. There's no need to worry. I'll be alright," Sasha kisses me before leaving. I laugh to myself.

So stubborn, but so smart. Just like me.

A/N: Ooh, cliffhangerrrrr! I hope you guys are excited because the next chapter is action-packed!! Happy Friday!

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