Night 10: Sasha

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Two Melatonin pills couldn't put me to sleep tonight.

I kept thinking about Draco and how he broke down in class today. It was so unlike him. Something must be eating him alive. Was it about me? 

I get up, sleep was impossible at this point. I walk around the quiet house. Jenson was most likely asleep and Seth was asleep on the couch downstairs. Diara was definitely asleep, Cameron doesn't answer his phone after 10 p.m., and Draco was most likely asleep.

I was alone, and it felt kind of nice.

My phone silently buzzed in my sweatpants pocket. Draco was calling me.

"Hey," I answer, making my way to my room.

"What do you do when you have a panic attack?" He asks, out of breath.

Oh no.

"Close your eyes and focus on something. Touch something, anything really. Take deep, slow breaths." I instruct.

Draco is silent for a moment. "It's not working." He says, panicking.

"Hold on, I'm coming." I tossed on some shoes and ran out the door, running faster than I have ever run before. I open Draco's door, which was unlocked for some reason. I hear heavy breathing, and I look towards an opened door upstairs.

"Draco?" I knock and he opens it. His eyes are red, his cheeks tear-stained, and his mind is spinning like a ceiling fan.

I hug him, hoping that it will work. He hugs me back softly, too panicked to make any movement.

I reach into my sweater pocket and pull out a star keychain. It has perfect edges and a silver keychain that matched the silver star.

"Here, fidget with this." I hand it to Draco, watching as his eyes return to their beautiful blue-grey color, and his head stopped spinning.

"Better, right?" I ask.

"Yeah. Thank you, you didn't have to do that." Draco smiles at me. 

"I was already awake anyway. Couldn't sleep." I sit on the floor. Draco sits next to me.

"Why?" He asks.

"I was thinking about what happened to you earlier," I say. Draco hugs me tight, my head on his chest.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Draco assures, making me even more nervous.

"Stay here tonight." He says.

I think for a moment. "Sure, why not?" I say, smiling a bit. Draco gets under the covers and I give him some space. His room was darker than mine with his closed binds.

"C'mere." He pulls me into his open arms and holds me closer. I snicker and close my eyes.

Sleep still doesn't come, and I get out of Draco's bed. I walk around his dark room hoping that the little light from the street lamps that stream into his room will guide me. I spot a strange glow coming from Draco's closet. I walk closer to the light, compelled by it. I open the closet door, and it gets brighter. A thick, dark piece of wood with intricate patterns emits a light blue glow. 

Confused, I stroke it in my hand. The light becomes brighter and I stand back. What the hell is this?

There was more. A thick stack of books stood in the corner of the closet. One read "Introduction to Magic." Another one had "The History of Death Eaters." The final one had "The Malfoy Family Legacy."

Magic? Death Eaters? What are these things? My mind searches through every possible reason that these exist, but nothing reasonable comes to mind.

Draco stirs. "Sasha.." He mumbles. I panic.

"Bathroom, love," I whisper. He goes back to sleep.

I sigh with relief. I continue to explore, my head spinning, and my heart racing with every step. What is this stuff?

"Sasha." I jump, Draco was right behind me.

"Um...hi?" I say.

"What are you doing?" He asks, closing the closet door.

"I was trying to find your bathroom in the dark. I guess I walked into the wrong room." I lie.

"Uh huh," Draco says, unconvinced. "That is my father's, he uses it for a play he directs every year," Draco explains.

"Oh," I say, relieved.

"Come back to sleep." He takes my hand and I snuggle under the warm sheets. Draco comes next to me and strokes my hair.

"Thanks," I whisper before my eyes shut completely.

I tossed and turned with nightmares. It couldn't have just been a silly stage prop, it must have been more than that. It HAD to be more than that.

I sat up straight and got out of bed. I splashed some cold water on my face, hoping the water would wash away my thoughts. It didn't help.

I take out my Melatonin supplement pills and take another two. I lay down on Draco's couch, and after an hour, I finally fell asleep.

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