Night 29: Sasha

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I take a deep breath as Harry, Dumbledore, and I hide behind a fallen tree bark. I wrap myself in the long, black blanket, praying that this plan would work. Harry would lift me up into the top of Azkaban, then I would get my father's things and fall off the top of Azkaban, using my mind to create the same purple barrier to break my fall.

"Please be careful, Miss Dail-Myers. I will instruct Harry from down here. If you need help, send your Patronus," Dumbledore instructs. I nod and look at Harry. I was ready.

"Wingardium Leviosa," I suddenly begin to float in the air. I grip my wand as I head upwards into the dark, ominous sky.

My feet land on the top of Azkaban. No one was around. I take out Harry's invisibility cloak from underneath my black cloak and drape it over my body. I sneak around, looking for cell 42. About five minutes later, I found it and whisper the code. The door slides open.

I recognize a lot of my father's things. I recognize his journals, his quills and ink that are nearly finished. I see pictures of my mother everywhere, medals my brother has won, and my drawings. This made me wonder, if my father never made it here, how did all of this get set up?

I grab it all, the journals, the stray pieces of paper, the potion bottles and shove it in my old backpack.

"HEY!" Someone shouts. Oops, my invisibility cloak fell off.

"Obliviate," I say, but unfortunately, there's more than one.

"Stop her!" Someone else yells and I make a run for it. I dive and dodge spells until one hits me. It slows down time, hurting me, numbing me, but I push it away, hammering at the spell like a nail into a piece of wood. Sure enough, the spell shatters off me and pushes everyone aside. I keep running, looking for a way out. I finally find the time to toss on Harry's invisibility cloak, confusing all the guards and prisoners. I throw myself off the broken wall, creating the purple barrier to keep me from falling.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Dumbledore helps bring me down to safety.

"Go, both of you get out of here. They found me," I pant.

"We can't leave you here," Harry protests.

"For Merlin's sake, JUST GO! I'll be fine," I aim my wand at the guards, firing spells as a distraction. I toss some of Fred and George's Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder around me, and I apparate back to Dumbledore's office, remembering my first memory here.

"Well?" Harry asks and I open my bag, which still has everything in it.

"Brilliant, Sasha, just brilliant!" Harry hugs me and I laugh a bit. Dumbledore smiles kindly and silently asks for permission to see the books before Harry goes pale.

"Sasha, you're bleeding," He points to my left eye. Sure enough, a gash bleeds.

"Oh," Is all I say. I mutter the healing spell, and all that's left is a small scar. I wince, it still stung.

"You alright?" Harry asks and I nod.

"Well, your father sure kept detailed records of just about everything. Here you go," Dumbledore hands me my backpack.

"Thank you both. I couldn't have done this without you," Harry and Dumbledore smile at me.

"We're always here for you, Sasha," Dumbledore says kindly, and a bad feeling sits in my stomach. Little did he know that he wouldn't be. I smile and head back to the dungeons. Blaise spots me entering and runs to hug me.

"Sasha!" He says happily. "Merlin's beard, I didn't think you would come out of there alive! Go to Malfoy, he's worried sick," I thank Blaise and run to our dorm.

Our dorm. It still feels strange to say, but strange in a good way. Draco is pacing back and forth, sobbing and staring at the tip of his wand.

"I'm home," I whisper and Draco looks up. He laughs to himself and pulls me in for a hug.

"You're home," He mutters softly, holding me like he doesn't want to let go. I chuckle.

"I was so scared. Your ring went red at one point and-" Draco sees my scar. "What happened?" He asks.

"Honestly, it happened so fast that I don't know how I got it," I touch it. A battle mark, I think to myself. I had always wanted one as a kid, one to show Jenson that I was braver than him. Also because I thought they were cool.

"What'd you find?" Draco asks and I open the bag full of potions, pictures, and journals.

"Wow, your father is quite the author," Draco notes when he sees all the journals. I place the backpack in a corner and take a shower.

"Sasha?" He calls as I brush my hair.

"Yes?" I ask, walking out of the bathroom.

"Are you up for some TV?" He asks, already turning on Netflix. I jump into bed and make myself comfortable. Before Draco starts the show, he looks at me.

"Sasha, I need to start working more," He says sadly. 

"Oh," Is all I can say, because what else could I have said?

"Will you be alright?" Draco asks, wrapping me in a hug.

"Mhm," I hum, not really wanting to talk. Too much has happened in one day for me to think.

"Oh, by the way, a letter came for you from Diara I think,"  Draco hands me a rainbow envelope and I open it.

Dear Sasha,

I'm so glad your feeling better. That was a scary almost two weeks. 

I write to announce that for the rest of the year, Cameron and I are doing a semester abroad program in, you guessed it, London! I'm so excited to be closer to you and Draco(but more you).

Love, Diara

I smile brightly. My sister and best friend weren't going to be so far away anymore. Life seems a bit more bearable now.

"Love?" Draco asks and I put down the letter.

"Hm?" I ask.

"I'm leaving to go work," Draco says, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Now?" I ask dejectedly. Draco nods and I say nothing as he shuts the door. I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, not thinking about anything in particular, just thinking.

Thinking about the end of this stupid battle.

I watch the sun rise far away from me in this distant world, and hope that one day, this will all be over.

A/N: Hope you all enjoyed that chapter! We are almost at 2k reads! This is insane, I love every single one of my readers to the moon and back!!

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