Chapter 7

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Everything got complicated the moment they arrived at the scene. It was brutal. The captain and his team couldn't fathom what was going on.

Day was seated on his chair in the back office of his meat store. A huge knife stuck on his right on heart, a pool of blood under his chair. Whoever did this was ruthless. It was painful to watch even for the detectives who were used to this.

The forensics were called again and surprisingly, there was no fingerprint. Not even one. There was no trace of someone coming at the scene. The detectives were once again back to square one.

An hour later, the chief and the director visited their department to get the facts on this case that was causing havoc in the precinct.

They all sat in the briefing room as the captain explained the case from its beginning up to their current status. He had a pen in his hand that he used to point at the pictures of six faces on the glass board in front of them.

"So on Friday, November 13, there was a reunion that six people attended. Apparently it didn't go well and it is our guess that Mew's sexual preference was discovered." He said this part pointing at Mew's picture.

"Exactly a week later, Mew was found almost dead and his video was posted online, that's how we got to know about his case. On the crime scene, we found different objects. All of them were used on the victim and all of them are connected to these five guys. Their careers match with these objects."

"They are our suspects although they are pleading not guilty and they all have weak alibis. So we were waiting for Mew to wake up and give us his statement when we received a call this morning about one of the suspects Day the butcher. He was found murdered this morning and the forensic department estimated the time of death to be 1-3 am.  We don't know if these cases are connected. That's all for now."

The chief took off his glasses and started cleaning them, "I have a couple of questions, firstly who called for this reunion?"

"We don't know sir," the captain answered.

"Find out who called for the reunion and why did these 6 only attend it. I think there's more to this reunion than what we know."

Everyone noted these questions as the captain asked more questions,

"And then you mentioned that the objects on the scene matched with the careers, explain further."

The captain explained, "Among these 5 suspects there's a baseball player, a doctor, a fisherman, the owner of a paint company and a butcher and on the crime scene there was a baseball bat, a bucket of paint, a fishing string, knives, and syringes."

"Lastly, Mew woke up right? Could it be that...?"

Captain shook his head no, "he just opened his eyes yesterday, he is not capable of talking let alone walking Sir."

The chief nodded his head and he concluded the briefing,

"We'll wait for Mew's statement but for the mean time call the deceased friends and get some more information from them. It is likely that they know what's going on."

"On it," the captain said as he watched the chief and director leave the briefing room.

Later that day, Xu, Rem, Per and Lin were called to the police office and were asked the questions. Apparently, Day had been the one to ask for a reunion and they couldn't find out why now since Day was no more.

It was on Wednesday morning that Mew woke up feeling a bit better, he saw Gulf coming in and he sat up sluggishly.

"Shouldn't you rest some more?"

"I'm much better now." He replied weakly.

"It's too soon to be feeling ok you know for a person who almost died.

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"It's nothing." Kanawut said sitting down on the chair next to the bed.

"I should've done the same back then,"

"It's in the past."

"Gulf," Mew called longingly

"It's Kanawut now, Detective Kanawut," the man said his eyes full of worries.

"I'm sorry."

"For running away?" Kanawut asked.

"And for not protecting you, for not staying by your side, for leaving you all by yourself."

"I won't say I understand because I still don't understand why you had to do that."

Mew nodded with a faint, "It's ok."

They both went quiet. They were stealing glances at each other when the other one was not looking.

"What happened?" Gulf broke the silence, "Who did that to you? Where they your friends?"



"I don't know. We went for reunion but things didn't go well."

"Did they find out you are gay?"

"I'm..." Mew was speechless.

"Did they find anything on you?" Kanawut rephrased his question.

"I defended my existence during our discussion and they didn't like it."

"Could you please tell me in detail what went down on last Friday?"

Mew closed his eyes and Kanawut could see how it was haunting him.

"I was sleeping when they came to my house. I opened the door for them and before we could sit down and talk, they tied my hands and the rest is just a blur. All I remember is pain."

"Did you hear what they were talking about?"

"Yes I did. They were talking and laughing too." Mew held his head in anguish and Kanawut was there next to him holding him

"I'm here to protect you. They won't be doing anymore. I'm here for you now," he comforted a stressed out Mew, holding his head on his chest. Mew held kanawut's arm tightly, afraid and scared.

They sat like that for a while until Mew calmed down. "I'm so glad you're here with me." He confessed smelling Kanawut's scent. "It's been a decade."

"I wasn't expecting to meet you this way. It scared me so much. All I could think of was how they did it to me last time and almost ended my life. I promise you this time they'll pay for it."

"I feel really scared." Mew admitted.

"It's ok, I'm here now. I'm here for you and I'm capable too. I'm a detective. Look," he said showing him a gun, "I carry a gun and some cuffs too." He looked around and voiced his concerns, "why haven't I seen any guardian? Don't you have family?"

"I don't have any family close by. Even if I tell them I'm in the hospital they won't be able to make it. So basically I'm all alone."

"No you're not. I'm right here with you. I'll be there with you all the way." Kanawut embraced the patient in a warm hug, gently rubbing his back in comfort. However, he missed the look on Mew's face when he replied,

"Thank You. I guess you're all I've got now."

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