Chapter 3

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The next Friday night, a week later, a call came in the somewhat peaceful police office.

"Is this the police?" A worried male voice asked seeming really troubled.

The detective answered lazily his head on the desk, "Yes it is. This is Detective Kanawut from the Criminal Investigation Department how can I help you?"

The person on the other side of the phone sounded hesitant as he explained his reason for calling,

"I think someone is going to get killed."

That woke the Detective up as he pressed the record button on the landline, "Please say that again."

"Someone is going to get killed." The caller repeated.

"What do you mean someone is going to get killed? Please explain."

"There's someone who uploaded some things on the internet and they are threatening to kill a man. He is tied up and there's blood everywhere. You guys must head there right away before something happens."

"Could you please tell me the name of the website?" The detective asked as he reached out for a paper and pen on his desk.

"It's a website portal for gays. I think he wants to be killed because he is one. I'm not sure but there seem to be a weird letter of some sort. It's just disturbing please save him."

The detective wrote down the information and as soon as the call ended, he called the cybersecurity unit.

"Hey Mike I'm sending you a link, could you please track the IP address for this post and send me the location and to Captain too?"

"On it." Mike replied and dropped the call.

After his call with Mike, he called his captain to report on the new case. The captain put everyone on standby and the ambulance too as they waited for the location. They mobilized as soon as Mike located the area where the absurd crime was going on.

They were on their way, their police cars blaring the warning siren when Mike sent the picture of the victim that was posted on the gay website. It was a picture of a person tied around, bloody and they all thought it would be a miracle if they find the victim alive. He looked like he had lost so much blood with the cuts on his body.

As soon as they got there, they silently walked in the apartment building and knocked on the door, the medics behind the group of detectives.

"Delivery!" The captain called out and there was no response. He gave some signals and they barged into the house with guns pointed at no one, suspiciously looking for any sign of the criminal inside the house.

They looked around the trashed house. Surely something went down in the house.

"Clear!" They took turns reporting their findings until detective Kanawut screamed, "right here!"

He stood dumbstruck at the door of the bedroom looking at the man on the floor. He looked around the room.

It was a mess.

A very big mess.

The man's hands were tied with a fishing string, the string digging in his wrist almost tearing his veins. His face was so swollen they couldn't identify who the victim was. There was a baseball bat and different kinds of unique knives right next to him, coated with what seemed to be his blood. Empty Syringes were scattered in the room, and to make matters worse, his body had been painted. The pale coloring of his body contrasted with the deep red color of blood seeping out still from his skin and that's what made the scene gruesome.

They didn't know what the coloring was but upon closer inspection, it was paint proved by an empty bucket of baby pink paint from a local famous brand a few feet away from him.

Detective Kanawut quickly ran to find a pulse on the man's neck after taking the scene in. It was faint but it was there.

"Call the medics!!" He shouted and a team member shouted for the medics waiting outside the main door.

They rushed in and checked the status of the man. They brought out their first aid equipment. They cut the tight rope on his wrist carefully not to exacerbate his condition. They did first aid with an ambu bag covering the bottom half of his face.

"We'll go with him to the hospital," they said putting him in the stretcher.

The captain looked around and decided this was attempted murder and the suspect was out there probably watching. He puffed out his chest and started dishing out orders. "Wes, go with them to the hospital, Kana will stay here and with the rest." The captain looked at Kanawut and said, "Call the forensics to come for fingerprints I'm going back to brief Chief,  report to me any finding or progress of the case."

"Yes Cap!!!" They answered in a chorus and proceeded to follow the orders.

The forensic team came and took pictures of the crime scene. They looked and scanned for fingerprints. They found some on the baseball, on the syringes, on the bucket of paint, and on the knives. After gathering all the evidence they needed, they left.

That night, Kanawut was sleeping in the precinct on his desk, waiting for a call from the forensics. He was just not sleeping but having a vivid nightmare.

He was there on the floor of the high school bathroom, writhing in pain as a group of boys attacked him; their aim to kill. His left eye was swollen shut but the other one was open and it saw a shiny sharp metal aiming for a part of his body. He knew then he was done for. He felt it penetrate slowly and excruciatingly. The pain registered in his mind maybe ten times more than what it was. It was painful that he started moving about distressed on his chair, but he couldn't wake up.

He felt the knife withdraw and thought that was the end. It was another sharp quick stab that woke him up screaming from his desk looking around and realized that his phone was ringing. Sweaty and panting he answered the call.

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