39 - quidditch season

Start from the beginning

"Did you see that?" Emmy grumbled.

"Crazy right?"

"She's got it in for you, Emmy."

The rest of the game passed quickly, anytime Higgs got close she was deflected by a bludger in her direction.

She didn't attempt another manoeuvre until half an hour later, but this time she hit the shoulder still healing from last full moon and it took all of Emmy's restraint to keep from screaming out in pain.

The quaffle fell out of her hands and to her frustration, Higgs scooped it up easily and made a beeline for the goals. Quickly realising this was the perfect opportunity to catch her out, James flew from nearby to block her from the front and Sirius on the other side so that her only option was to pass to Cromley.

To their smugness, she grimaced and flew up, only to be apprehended by a smug Emmy who took the ball back. They called a break two minutes later, everyone huddled around James as he ordered their plan of attack.

"Right, Gideon, I need you to keep an eye on Bones. Don't give Higgs any opportunity to get near him. We three will take care of the rest."

The rest of the team nodded and headed off to their positions. James gripped Emmy and Sirius' shoulders and sighed.

"Just... stick close, guys. I'm counting on you."

Emmy grinned, pain forgotten about after the adrenaline of scoring, "Don't worry, we've got this."

She kissed his cheek fondly before clambered onto her broom.

Sirius took a minute to shake out of his stupor, he smirked and shook his head at her retreating form.

"Come on mate, they've got nothing on us."

James snorted in laughter and smiled for the first time since the game had started.

The rest of the game passed quickly and by the hour mark, both teams were tied. They were all exhausted, Emmy especially having spent the entire time ducking and swerving away from Higgs, having to race her to get anywhere near the quaffle. But their ploy seemed to be working, whilst Higgs did sometimes pass to Cromley, it was with reluctance and if she had the choice, she would always try to make it on her own. It was the same with him too.

Whatever had happened between them must have been seriously bad.

Emmy had just scored another point when she noticed Marlene zipping across the pitch.

Gritting her teeth she focused on getting the quaffle off Higgs, knowing that if Marlene couldn't get to the snitch before the Ravenclaw seeker some time soon they would need all the points they could get.

She swooped underneath her rival chaser and then sped above her, searching for a weakness as they sped towards the goals.

Suddenly a loud noise erupted from the stands and laughter and cheering sounded. Someone had set off bright red fireworks that shot off in glittering spirals. Emmy whipped around to see the snitch grasped in Marlene's triumphant fist.

She turned back to Higgs grinning, when she noticed she'd stopped a couple of meters away. Her hands were shaking violently and she had an oddly glazed look in her eyes. She looked like she was struggling to breath, her gaze transfixed on the space where the fireworks had been. It was when the quaffle dropped straight out of her hands, Emmy realised something was seriously wrong.

"Higgs?" she called over the cheering crowds, flying closer. "Jody?"

The players near them had paused too, looking over in confusion.

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