Not in Dennings

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    "You really can't keep letting these girls treat you this way Addie" my best friend says while kneeling beside me picking up my books off the floor. The high school "mean" girls as we like to call them yet again have shoved me against my locker and knocked my books out of my hands spewing their hateful words at me.

"geek, nerd, virgin loser" just some of the easier to listen to things they call me. "Hellllloooo earth to Addieeee" I hear coming back to reality and smile at my best friend. I dont know why she is friends with me I think to my self. Riley is tall, skinny but curvy in all the right places. Her long blonde hair that curls right at the end. She's beautiful and she loves me and im so thankful for that.

           " I don't let them do it Rye, they just do and it'll only get worse if I say something to them." I say with a sigh. "I'll say something then! let them try me" Riley says angrily looking like she's going to march into battle. I grab her by her arm lightly to stop her. "Rye it's okay really. I made it through junior year dealing with them I can make it through this one.

I smile at her to show that I'm really okay and she cant help but smile back at me. She locks arms with me and drags me off to the cafeteria for lunch. Lunch is the usual gross half ass cooked meals but luckily for me I bring my own. I pull my bag onto my lap and pull a brown paper bag out of it. Riley looks at me and rolls her eyes bringing a most likely cold slice of lunchroom pizza to her mouth.

" Roll your eyes all you want but at least my sandwich is supposed to be cold" I say with a giggle. I look at the clock and see that there's ten minutes left of lunch. This day has been dragging by so far I have music and math left and I'm hoping they go by quickly.

              Suddenly the intercom goes off, the loud speaker screeches before going quiet and the principles voice fills the room. " ALL AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ARE SUSPENDED FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE WEEK. ALL STUDENTS ARE TO GET ON THE BUS AND GO STRAIGHT HOME. THANK YOU." the speakers screeches once more and goes quiet. I look at Rye who is sharing the same puzzled look as me.

" What the hell was that about" Riley says loudly. The students in the cafe all look around quietly in confusion slowly they all begin to talk and their voices fill the air. The bell rings signaling the end of lunch and everyone starts to file out of the lunch room to head to their next classes. I look at Riley and wave " I'll text you" I say grabbing my bag off the chair next to me to head to my music class the principles announcement passing out of my mind.

Music class passes too quickly as always, its the only class I actually enjoy being in. My teacher talks about the upcoming play we are going to be holding auditions for during the last few minutes of class. The bell sounds and we all file out to head to the last class of the day.

              After what feels like an absolute eternity the end of the day bell sounds. I pack my books and other items into my back pack and walk to the classroom door. As I walk out I hear a familiar voice yell my name. I turn around to see my friend of 5 years Myles running towards me down the hall. Myles isnt popular but hes not disliked.

He fits in everywhere basically another friend I don't  know why likes me. He catches up to me and ask me how my days been. I fill him in on the mean girls and their bullshit and then chat about the new school play as we walk towards the buses. He takes the same bus as I do because hes also my next door neighbor. 

His window directly across from mine at that. " Are you gunna try out for this one?" he asks me after I tell him the dates of the auditions for the play. " Probably not, I'll just get harrassed by Selene and her gang of demons" I say with a roll of my eyes. Myles playfully shoves me up the stairs of the bus. " You can't let them hold you back. You deserve a roll in that play." he says as we sit in our normal seat together.

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