Sick at first football game (Niall)

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Thanks a lot @JessicaKarlen6 for helping me out with this idea, I forgot to mention that it was a sickfic too so had to compromise a bit on your idea. Enjoy!!

Harry - daddy
Louis - Papa


3rd person POV

Niall was a typical 8 year old boy, he loved playing football but he hadn't got a chance to play an actual match. He would play practice games and the coach would tell him how he's getting better and might be put on the team soon if he continued to improve. Soon enough the day came when Niall was told that he was officially on the school team. He was the youngest player the team had ever had and that coach had enough faith in him to put him through, gave Niall the responsibility to show the coach's decision to be correct and if he didn't do his best, he felt as if he would disappoint everyone. 

In the morning on the day of his first game, he felt nervous and to be honest, he felt slightly under the weather. His brothers and father was cheering him up and telling him that he would do just fine. "But Papa, I'm very nervous" he said. Louis didn't know how to answer so Harry came in to the rescue. "Niall, It's ok to be nervous, daddy was so nervous on the day of his first show that he threw up backstage, but still did the show and guess what" "What?" "people loved it, so much so that my concerts are sold out within seconds"

"But singing and playing is very different" Niall said. "As professions and hobbies, yes, but the nerves when it comes to doing your best, is always the same, no matter what you are doing" Harry said and Niall sighed. "You'll do great bud, have faith in yourself" Louis comforted. Niall nodded and smiled, hugging his two fathers. Harry drove Zayn to his pre-school and Niall to his school while Louis stayed home with Liam, who was down with the flu. He dropped both boys off at their respective schools and drove off to the studio to finish off with a bit of recording before Niall's game. 

At school, Niall's friends had noticed Niall's quietness. 

"Niall, you alright mate?" one asked

"Ya, you're way too quiet" another added

"Is it nerves or are you feeling sick?" the first lad asked quickly 

"I little bit of both" Niall replied. 

"Are you going to puke?" 

"No, Jack, at least not feeling that bad yet" Niall said

"So you're saying You might?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying, George and if you don't mind, please quiet down for a second" 

His friends nodded. Jack and George were twins while his third friend, Kevin was quiet and when he spoke, it was like winning the biggest lottery of the century. At lunch, Niall felt worse than he had in the morning. He wasn't sure if he was getting sick or if nerves were just becoming overbearing. He felt nauseous but he wasn't sure if he was going to throw up or not. In conclusion, he hated the feeling and wanted it to pass quick. 

"Niall, you look pale, you alright" George asked and Niall shook his head. He stopped picking at his toast and looked up. "I think I'm gonna be sick" "What?" Jack screamed a bit too load as he felt a few pairs of eyes turning towards them and the cafeteria quiet down. They let the awkward moment pass before Niall stood up and left. All 3 friends followed him out. Niall went into one of the stalls in the bathroom and was almost immediately throwing up his breakfast. 

"Niall i think you should go to the nurse" Jack said.

"Yeah mate" George agreed while Kevin nodded

"I'm fine guys, it's just nerves" Niall said. 

They knew they couldn't argue with Niall, he was one stubborn 8 year old. The boys on the football team had to leave their classes half way through the first one after the lunch break. He left classroom with his things and just as he was passing the lockers, George came running up to him. 

"Hey, Ni, I don't have much time 'cause I said I was going to the bathroom but I would suggest that you tell coach that you're feeling ill and tell him that you still want to play the game" He said and jogged back to the class. 

Niall felt nervousness attack him and he rushed into the stalls nearby emptying his stomach. He had a feeling that George was right, so that is what he did. 

"Um, coach" 

"Yes Niall"

"I'm going to tell you the truth"

"the truth is all I want to hear" 

"So, um, I got sick twice in school today but I didn't tell anyone 'cause I wanted to play"

"Niall I think you should sit it out if you are not feeling well"

"Please can I play coach" Niall said, nearing tears

"Ok bud, I'll let you play, but you have to tell a teacher if you don't feel good"

"Thanks a lot coach" 

The coach smiled as he saw Niall run off to change into his jersey. They got on the bus and went to the venue where the game was being help. During the journey, Niall felt Excitement and nervousness bubble inside him. Niall was playing very well, scoring goals every now and then. Harry was watching from the stands having a proud dad moment. At halftime, they were leading 3 - 0 and Niall chugged a whole bottle of gatorade in celebration. 

While they were playing, Niall started feeling lightheaded and nauseous, he knew it wasn't from nerves so he stopped running for a moment and took a couple of deep breathes before running again. He stopped again when he felt another rather strong bout of nausea pass through him. He hadn't noticed a boy from the opponent team kick the ball and it was coming right in Niall's direction. It hit his stomach and that set Niall off, he bent over puking his guts out onto the grass. Harry saw what was happening and hurried down by his son.

"Oh, Niall, feeling better?" he asked

Niall shook his head before throwing up again. Niall was replaced temporarily and the substitute played for him. They won the math 5 - 0 and in the spirit of good sportsman ship, they congratulated each other. Just as they were about to leave, the boy who kicked Niall came. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to kick you" he said. "It's alright, not your fault, I had been sick a good couple of times before that" Niall said, chuckling. "You were playing really well for being sick, or not sick" he said. "I'm Niall by the way" "I know" He said chuckling "nice to meet you Niall, I'm Nathan" The two boys introduced themselves and just as he was going to introduce Harry, Nathan told him that he already knew who he was. "My sister is a huge fan of your fathers', both of them, doesn't stop talking about them" He said. "and she's got a crush on your older brother" He added whispering. "I heard that" Harry said chuckling, "Liam will be shook" he added making the 2 boys laugh. "Now I know why she like you so much, you are humorous"  

"How old are you Nathan" Niall asked, realising that they were similar aged. "going to be 10 in 2 months, you?" "I'm 8" Nathan's jaw dropped "you are one talented 8 year old" "Thanks" "We better go now Niall, nice meeting you Nathan" Harry said waving Nathan goodbye. Niall bid him goodbye as he wished him a speedy recovery. 

They got back home and Niall went straight to take shower. All the while he could hear Liam throwing up through the thin walls. Zayn was watching some cartoon and Niall joined him in doing that. Niall wasn't feeling great still and had a slight fever which only increased with time. He ended up having a case of the flu, same as Liam. Louis did his best to keep Zayn away while Harry took care of Niall and Liam. Both boys were feeling loads better in a couple of days but not before passing it down to Harry who was absolutely miserable. 


Finally updated after a week. Hope you enjoyed it!! and don't forget to check out my 'One Direction Sickfics' book if you haven't already, It's nearing 5K reads!!


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