Chapter 5

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 I woke up this morning to a lot of new followers

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I woke up this morning to a lot of new followers. I mean it isn't that unusual since my dad and my brother give me fame when I'm in pictures with them. They're definitely some follows that I wasn't expecting. I mean imagine having  @natejackson follow you. It was so weird too. He has a million followers, and I have like a couple hundred thousand. He even responded to my story! Like he watched it? That is so embarrassing. To add to the craziness, he texted me! I thought he was joking about meeting up, I mean I guess hearing about my dad... I don't know. Spiked his interest?

That is a whole other thing.  He found about my family! I mean I will admit that I didn't exactly hide it? But like I also lied to the people that are more my friends then Nate. But then also I can't really lie when it's daylight or when my mom is right next to me. Why did he have to come to that diner? I just knew he knew who my mom was. I mean my dad is a basketball prodigy, as people say on tv say, so obviously he's in love with him. He looked like he was trying to hide his shock but I could see right through him. I'm not surprised he wants to hang out now, I just hope people aren't mad that I didn't tell them I am Micheal's daughter when they find out.

It's just, when people find out, they want something from me. It's true, don't lie. And I'm used to it. You know meeting my brother or my dad, tickets to football or basketball game, even for me to pay for something for them. I don't mind paying or introducing my friends to my dad or brother, but some people fake being my friend. They'll fake it until they get what they want and then ghost you.

And another thing is my mom is leaving me today. She can't miss anymore work or maybe she just misses it. I think she just misses it. I really wanted my family to come with me to school because it's one of the first times leaving home and not coming back home with them. But, of course, everyone else was too busy. No hard feelings since all three of them text and call me literally all the time.

I guess it's time to finally grow up.

While I was sitting and thinking about my life, I hadn't seen my mom walk back into my room.

"Hi Sweetie, I have to leave now or I'll miss my flight." She says with a sad smile. I gave her a small smile too.

I got up and hugged her for a good five minutes, even though I'll see her in a couple weeks because of parent weekend. I think dad may even come! I'm really excited. Hailey told me she might convince our parents to let her come. That'll be super exciting.

I started to cry on her shoulder because I'm just so scared to be alone without all of them here with me. I'm going to miss her so much, but I'm honestly a little excited to be more independent. My parents wouldn't be called strict, but also I wouldn't call them the 'chill' parents either. My parents are overprotective of me ever since I was a baby because I almost didn't make it out of complications that I faced a couple times. My heart has always been a problem but it's gotten better over the years. Even when Hailey was born, they still protected me way more than my siblings.

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