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You heard voices growing closer to you.  You tried to catch your bearings quickly.  You realized you were in the living room, the staircase wasn't far, you could make it.  You ran as fast as you could.  You sprinted up the stairs.  You ran down the hall until you hit Draco's room.  It was closed, and locked. He must be in there.  You started banging on the door, the voices were now traveling up the steps.

"What now?!" Draco snapped from inside.

"Draco open the door! Please!" You heard him immediately jump up and unlock the door. You immediately fell into his arms and he closed the door behind you, locking it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, still hugging you tightly.

"I can't believe you left me!" You exclaimed, ignoring his question.

"It was for your safety, y/n! You cant stay here, it's too dangerous," He said, pulling away from the hug.  You examined him closely.  You knew he had problems with his dark mark, cutting and scraping at it.  You realized his sleeve was rolled down.  You grabbed his left arm and rolled up his sleeve, he tried to stop you but you were too quick.  You got a glimpse of the deep gashes all up his arm.


"Y/n...don't please," He said innocently.  Tears threatened the corner of your eyes.

"Please just let me stay.  Please, Draco.  I can't go back," You pleaded.  He brought you into another tight hug.

"One week.  Then we're both going back.  Im going to sort this out with my father." You smiled and held onto him tighter.  He brought you over to his bed and you laid in his lap with your legs around his waist, and fell asleep.

You woke up, still in Draco's arms.  You woke him up gently and you felt him squeeze you tighter.

"What's the plan?" You asked.  Draco sighed sleepily.

"I'll tell my father and mother i'm wanted back, my mother will talk him into it."

"Ok, i'll just hide up here all day then," You said gloomily.

"Hey! This was your idea!" He laughed and you punched him playfully in the chest.

"Whatever.  But you owe me cuddles tonight."

"Finnneee," He whined, but you knew that would be the best part of his day.

"Want some breakfast?" He asked as he slowly set you down beside him and got up from the bed.

"I'm starving."

"I'll be right back." He walked out of the room and you heard his footsteps echo down the stairs.  You hopped up from the bed and threw on one of his hoodies.  You breathed in the wonderful scent and started to wander around the room.  You settled at the chair in front of his desk and started looking at all his books.

"Muggle books?" You questioned to yourself, opening a few of them that sat in front of you.  "He'll never live this down," You chuckle quietly.  You spotted a journal resting on the corner of the table.  You grabbed it and opened up to see it was his diary.  You smiled and read the first entry dated 'September 1st 1990'.  The first day of Hogwarts.  It read:

Father's making me go this pathetic school.  I hate it here.  So many mud bloods.  There's this girl though, i think her name is y/n, she was kind of nice to me.  No ones ever been very nice to me.  I tried to make friends with potter, bad idea.  I gave up after that, he'll get what he deserves for not accepting my hand shake.  I also tried to make friends with y/n, i can tell she doesn't like me very much though.  It's alright.  I'm used to not having any friends.  At least i have moaning myrtle.  She actually listens to me.

You almost cried reading it.  You never realized he wanted to be friends with you.  You could've been best friends.  But you weren't.  That killed you.  You could've helped him through everything.  You could've been there for him.  Just then draco opened the door.  You dropped the diary quickly and spun around to see him carrying two plates of food.

"Were you reading my diary?" He asked.  You blushed with embarrassment.

"Maybe.  Just the first entry."

"Oh.  Well, now you know i guess." You laughed and jumped up to take a plate, you set it down and then hugged him.  He kissed the top of your head and you both hopped into the bed.  You grabbed you plate and you both started eating.

"I'm sorry," You said after you had finished eating and you and Draco were cuddled up to each other in bed.

"For what, darling?"

"Not making friends with you."

"Oh, love, it's alright.  All that matters is that your with me now," You smiled as he kissed your forehead.  You snuggled deeper into his chest to hear his steady heartbeat.

"Thank you for everything, Draco.  I love you."

"I love you too, darling."

Love is WarOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora