Malfoy Manor

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It was the night before it was time to leave.  You packed up a few more things and then rushed to Draco's dorm.  It was around 1:00 am but you knew he'd be awake, waiting for you.
"Hey, baby." He said as he saw you come in. He was laying on top of his covers on his bed, reading a book. He was wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt. You closed the door behind you softly. Draco schooled over around make you a place and put his book on the nightstand. You quickly hopped in bed with him and he turned off his lights. You laid your head on his chest and he scratched you back.
"I'm so happy when I'm with you, love." You said, smiling.
"I love you so much."
"I love you most." You felt Draco's heart spread up a little and you giggled.
"You still get nervous around me, don't you? Remember that night at the astronomy tower, When I told you you got nervous around me? That's when I fell in love with you. That when I knew I wanted to spend forever with you."
"Darling. I've been in love with you since 2nd year. I just didn't know how to show It. I'd never been shown affection in my life, so how was I supposed to know how to show it? But you taught me how. You taught me what love was." You gay butterflies at the thought. Draco loved you, there was no doubt about that.
"I'd never been in love with anyone before you. I thought that I couldn't love. I thought that no one would love me. But then you came along. That night at the strongly tower, when you When you confessed your feeling, I was just scared. Scared that you didn't actually love me. Scared that everything would end badly. I really did love you then too."
"I love you, more than you'll ever know, darling. I'll never let you go, ever. No matter what." You snuggled deeper into his chest and fell asleep.

~ ~ ~
The next morning you woke up snuggled in Draco's shoulder. Draco was still asleep so you got, careful not to wake him. You walked to the bathroom and took a shower, then changed. You walked out of the bathroom to see Draco still asleep. You got in bed with him and played with his rings until he woke up.
"Morning, darling." He said in his raspy morning voice.
"Morning. It's almost time to leave ya know."
"I know. I'm really excited. We get to spend all of Christmas together. Alone. Well almost." He giggled.
"We know silencing charms, we'll be alright." You laughed
"Those will come in handy, won't they?" Draco said playfully, as he sat up and stretched.
"Let's get you dressed, sleepy boy." You said hopping up and pulling him out of bed. You picked him out some clothes and he put them on quickly, then you two headed to the train station. This would be the first time people saw you together.  You grabbed Draco's hand.  There was no going back now.  You heard whispers as you two walked down the halls.  Once you reached outside, you sighed with relief.  It was overwhelming to. Be judged right in front of you. But you didn't care, you loved Draco no matter what other people said.  You and Draco walked to the train and took an empty compartment.  You set all your things down then sat beside Draco.  He laid his head against the window and you laid your head in his lap.

Once you got to Kings Cross you packed up your things and got off the train, hand and hand with Draco.
"You ready?"  Draco asked as you stood at the entrance of Kings Cross, ready to step into London.
"As I'll ever be."  Draco squeezed your hand and you walked into a deserted ally.  Draco pulled out his wand and apparated you two to Malory Manner.  You hated to apparate.  You had only done it a few different times.  It felt like you were being ripped apart, atom by atom, and then being put back together.
"I always hate doing that." You said, hunched over trying not to puke.
"Sorry, darling."  He said rubbing your back.  Just the , Narcissa and Lucius come into the room.
"Draco, Honey!  I'm so glad to see you, darling!" Narcissa exclaimed as she gave him a hug.
"Who's this?" Lucius asked coldly.
"Y/n Snape.  Nice to meet you."  You said, reaching out to shake their hands. Lucius shook your hand firmly and Narcissa gave you a hug.
"We've heard all about you! Severus speak very highly of you."  You shuddered at the sound of your fathers name. You were still very, very mad at him. Suddenly you remembered you hadn't told Fred and George you were leaving.  You would call them later, they'd understand.  But then you realized they didn't know you and Draco were dating. Surely they'd know after today.  You walked through the school halls hand in hand.  But you hated for them to hear through someone else.  But they would be ok with it.  Probably.
"Thank you very much!"  You said joyfully.
"I'm glad you finally found a girl that fits in wit the family, Draco." Lucius said in his deep, cold voice that sent shivers down your spine whenever he spoke.
"Father.  Are you...well...ok with this?" Draco asked quietly, as to not make it too obvious to you.
"Well of course I am! You know that we love Snape! I think she'll be a good influence on you."  Lucius cried.  You knew what Draco was thinking. They thought you were just like Snape, but you're quite the opposite.
"Well...good.  We'll be going to my room for awhile."  Draco said nervously.  He wasn't expecting this reaction.
"You'll have separate rooms Draco.  You know the rules." Narcissa said, taking your bags out of your hands. Draco nodded and led the way up the grand, dark staircase.  Narcissa led you to your room, which was right across from Draco's, and then left with another hug.  As soon as she left you ran to Draco's room.
"I hate being in separate rooms."  You said, pouting playfully.
"I know, darling. We'll work something out, won't we?" He said, picking you up and setting you on the bed.
"I'm sure we will."

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