Astronomy Tower

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You skipped the rest of your classes. You couldn't stop thinking about what Myrtle said. It was more than likely it was your father in the bathroom. Did your father kill someone? Would he go to Azkaban if someone found out? Should you ask him about it? Y you were laying in you bed thinking when you heard Pansy come in. You groaned and flipped around so you were facing away form the door.
"You skipped classes." She said crossing her arms.
"You never skip class."
"Why do you care all of the sudden."
"I don't."
"Sounds like you do."
"We're you with someone?"
"Yep, I was With Malfoy, we made out in a broom closet."
"Of course I'm joking. I would never touch that boy if I didn't have to." You sat up and looked at Pansy, she was full of rage.
"If you ever touch him, I'll kill you."
"I don't think my father would let that happen." You smiled sarcastically. Pansy opened her mouth to talk but quickly closed it. "Thought so." You hopped out of bed and left the room. You went to find Fred and George. They must be in their common room, so you snuck in, they had told you the password.
"Fred? George?" You called for them, but they were no where to be found. You left the Gryffindor common room and headed to the astronomy tower, hoping Malfoy wouldn't be there. You swung the doors open to see him leaning against the railing. Of course he was here. You walked up beside him and he flinched when he saw you.
"Do you mind?" he snapped.
"Not at all." You smiled at him, he looked at you worryingly.
"Why are you here?"
"I come here to think, just so happens you've been here every time i've decided to come."
"Whatever." He didn't make you leave, didn't stop you from staying. Something was going on with him.
"Are you ok, Draco?" There it was again, the first name.
"Why- Why do you care?"
"I don't know, Draco. I just do". You were surprise by yourself. Why did you care? Did you like him? No. You couldn't like a Malfoy.
"I- I...I don't know if i'm ok to be honest." Why was he opening up to you?  This was weird. You put your hand on top of his hand, which was resting on the railing.
"I'm sorry, Draco.  For everything.  Your not so bad." What were you saying? But you couldn't stop yourself.
"I'm sorry too, y/n.  You were right.  I didn't know how to show my feelings for you." Your jaw dropped.
"Feelings?" You asked, confused.
"I've like you since 2nd year." Your eyes went wide and your heart started racing.
"I...Didn't know.  You were always so mean to me."
"I know.  I didn't want people to think I was...Vulnerable." You giggled sarcastically.
"It's all about reputation with the Malfoys, huh?"
"I wish it wasn't, but it is." He grabbed your hand and looked you in the eyes.  "Can we keep...whatever this is, a secret?" You looked at him confused.
"This isn't anything, Draco." Draco looked at you, you couldn't read what he was thinking.
"Oh.  I was could be...something." You scoffed.
"I don't know if i could actually be with you, Draco. You'd be too much work." You laughed, Draco didn't.
"I- I...I'm sorry.  But I really like you."
"I never said I liked you." You said looking away from his eyes to look at the night sky.
"Oh. Well...Um.  I guess I'll go back to being mean to you..If that's what you want."
"I-Why can't we be friends?"
"That would hurt me too much.  I'll see you later." He let go of your hand.  He turned around and left.  You felt bad.  Did you like him? You didn't know.  But you didn't want to like him.  You turned around and left also.  I guess everything was just going to go back to how it was.  Is that how you wanted it?  Did you want to be with Draco? You stopped thinking about it.  You walked back to your dorm.  Pansy wasn't there, probably somewhere cheating on Malfoy.  You hopped in bed a fell asleep.  You dreamt about Draco.  You hated it, but you definitely liked him.

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