Mad-Eyed Moody and Moaning Myrtle

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You decided to go on a walk after that heated argument with Malfoy. As you walked around the castle, down the dark corridors and spooky halls, you thought about Malfoy and how he looked like he wanted to jump off the astronomy tower. Was he ok? What was going on that he wasn't telling anyone? And most importantly, why do you care so much? You heard footsteps coming from behind you, it was after curfew and you couldn't get detention on your first day.
"Who's here? show yourself!" It was Snape, your father.  You jumped out of your hiding place and wrapped your arms around him.  Since the teachers had to get to Hogwarts so early, you hadn't seen him in weeks.
"Oh, it's just you." He said embracing you tightly.  You may think Snape is just a brat that treats everybody, with the exception of Draco Malfoy and his family, like animals. But he is actually a very caring father, he really loves you. "What are you doing out so late?" He asked, pulling you out of his arms to look at you.  You saw worry in his eyes, he looked like he was hiding something.
"I- I was just going for a walk to clear my head." You said.
"Well, ok.  But don't be sneaking around like that again, you don't want to have someone find you." You smiled, knowing he would never give you detention. He was one of the only people who knew what you'd been through.
"I know, I know.  But I was being careful."
"Not an excuse.  Now get to bed.  Quickly." He said waving you off.  You went back to your dorm to see Pansy sleeping, you sighed with relief. You hopped in bed and fell asleep within minutes.

You woke up to Pansy throwing pillows at you.
"WAKE UP!" She yelled at you.  You groaned.
"Why do you care if I'm late?"
"I don't.  I just want to know what you were doing last night with my boyfriend." You shrugged with disgust.  Of course they were dating.  They were perfect for each other, two little snobs who love to call everyone a mud blood, even if they aren't.
"Nothing. Happened.  Let it go." You sad throwing a pillow over your head to block the light streaming in through the windows.
"Sure.  I don't believe you, mud blood.  You're jealous of him and I, admit it." You jumped out of the bed with rage.  You pulled your wand out of your nightstand drawer and pointed it at her chest.
"I told you to never call me mud blood.  Do you want to know who my father is?"
"I'd love to know!  Probably some old muggle who sits on the couch all day eating crisps!" Pansy laughed hard.
"Snape.  Snape is my father you freak." Pansy turned bright red, she looked scared.  You smirked and laughed at her.  "And you had the audacity to call me a mud blood.  You'll pay for that."
"I- I didn't know."
"I. Don't. Care.  Furnunculus." you yelled.  Out of no where, boils started to form all over Pansy's body, she collapsed to the ground in pain and you laughed. "I told you not to mess with me, freak."  You went to the bathroom and changed into your robes as Pansy screamed outside the door.  Once you came out Pansy was yelling at you to make it stop.
"Give me one reason I should help you." You said with a smirk.
"Because you can." You laughed.
"But I don't want to.  Don't worry, it'll wear off.  Eventually." You said smiling.  You walked out the door and headed to your first class, D.A.D.A.  Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were in the class too.  You snarled at them.
"Oh well look who it is!  It's the Slytherin mud blood!" Malfoy laughed, he looked at Crabbe and Goyle and they quickly started laughing.
"Your little minions are only friends with you because they're scared of you, Malfoy.  And don't call me a mud blood if you don't know who my family is." Malfoy laughed even harder.
"Oh I know who your family is." Your eyes widened. "A big fat guy that loves crisps, and a skinny little mum who cleans the kitchen for a living." Draco laughed, you sighed with relief.
"You don't even know, Malfoy." Just then Snape come barging in the room.  Mad-Eye Moody teaches this class.  Why was your father here?
"Hello, class. Today I will be filling in for Professor Moody.  He is...ill." you look at your father with worry, he quickly glanced at you and shook his head very slightly.  You gasped a little.  By his expression, Mad-Eye Moody was dead.  But why wasn't he telling everyone else? They had to learn sooner or later.
"Turn your books to page 247." for the rest of class you couldn't focus.  What happed to Moody?  And did it have something to do with your father's worried expression last night?
"Class dismissed.". You heard Snape say and snapped out of your daze.  You walked out of class looking at the floor.  You bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying att-" It was Fred, with George by his side of course.  "Oh hello boys." You said smiling.
"Hello there." They said in unison "How was D.A.D.A.?" Fred asked you.
"Father was teaching today.  Apparently Moody is- is." You leaned in close and dropped your voice to a whisper. "Dead." Fred and George were the first people you told about Snape being your father.  They didn't really mind, but that didn't change their dislike for him.
"Really?" George asked, confused.
"Yeah, Father told everyone he was ill but then he looked at me and gave me a look that had 'dead'  written all over it."
"I can't believe this! Do you think he was murdered?" George asked a little too loudly. You shushed him and then dragged them into the girls bathroom.
"Why are we in here. This is the girls bathroom, and we're guys the last time i checked." Fred said, he looked down at his pants then nodded with assurance.
"No one ever comes in here because of Moaning Myrtle."
"Moaning...Who?" George asked.
"She's a ghost, and all she does is cry." you said.  Just then you heard a high pitched cry coming from behind you.
"I cry because everyone so mean to me!" Myrtle cried, then started to sob again.
"See what I mean." You said turning back to the twins.
"Sure do." The said together.
"Anyways, about Moody-" You got cut off by another cry from Myrtle.
"Don't remind me!! Moody was killed right in front of me! I'll never be able to sleep again!" Myrtle said and you gasped.
"You saw it happen??" You asked turning back to Myrtle.
"Well of course I did, it happened in here, right over by that sink." Myrtle pointed to a sink and the twins and you gasped in unison.
"The Chamber of Secerets!" you all yelled together.  The chamber had been closed up last year after the whole incident with Ginny, Harry, and Tom Riddle.  But there is a possibility someone is trying to open it again.
"Who? Who killed Moody, Myrtle? Did you see?" George asked.
"No, all I saw was a long black cape, then I got scared and hid in a stall, then all I saw was the back of whoever it was." You felt your eyes swell with tears.  The twins went wide eyed and look at each other.
"Oh no." Fred and George said together. We were all thinking the same thing. Snape.

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