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While Camila got out of her car she noticed something that seemed off, first that Beth's door was opened not all the way but enough to notice a little bit. then she noticed a black car parked outside of the house, a car she never seen before. it was weird but Camila tend to shrug it off.

Camila slowly started to walk towards Beth's house, when she reached the door she pushed the door opened. usually the house isn't so quiet, Annie mainly is talking a lot and can be loud. but this time Beth's house was too quiet.

"hello?" Camila questioned as she walked more into the house, when she first entered there was nobody. strange.
"in here Camila" Annie's voice, what seemed to catch Camila off guard was her voice, in sounded like fear was laced in it.

Once Camila stepped in the living room, she was met with the eyes of a tall man dressed in all black, tattoos covering his skin that is showed. he took notice that his presence didn't really fear her, Camila still seemed calm. for Camila, being through a lot in life nothing much seems to faze her.

Yes things and people can scare her, but with this situation it was different. but Camila did have to admit she is confused about everything. she didn't expect to see such s hood looking guy and two other big guys next to him.

When Camila turned her head she seen Beth, Annie and Ruby and for them it seemed like fear took over all their bodies. Rio begin to look at Camila up and down, he did have to admit Camila is a very beautiful. there wasn't no reason to lie.

"sit down mamas, ain't no one gonna do nothin." Rio said as he noticed Camila looking confused. as she did Camila made her way to the sofa with Ruby and Annie, between the two girls while Beth was standing next to the sofa and staring at the men in fear.

"so do any of you ladies wanna explain to your friend why i am here?" Rio asked the ladies in front of him. Annie looked at Rio first and quickly back to Camila, "uh Camila....the reason why they're here is because the money we stole from the grocery store....all that money was his."

Canila's thoughts went spinning and spinning for a quick second, how the hell was all that money his? Camila couldn't help but question in her head. "i told you it was shady business!" Ruby lightly shouted but in a whisper to Beth. "look i just want my money back." Rio said in a calm voice.

One thing Camila could still feel was Rio's stare lingering over her, she wasn't going to lie he was hot so Camila could really care less but in the same thing Camila kept telling herself to just avoid his stare and pretend she isn't noticing him but deep down she wanted to stare back.

"we can give you all your money back..." said Annie to Rio, which caused Ruby and Beth to calm down and Camila with a relief sigh, "well most of it." spoke up Annie again which.

were fucked.

"wait i'm sorry what?" asked Rio while he shook his head a little.

Annie shrugged her shoulders, "well i only spent a 100..."
oh damn that's not that bad as she thought.

"100 thousand" finished off Annie, which caused all the women to give Annie semi glares but fear still within them.
"you weren't suppose to spend it Annie what the hell!"
Beth whispered, Annie shrugged.

"well the point of stealing the money was to use it Beth."
spoke up Annie back, "we can give you the money we still have and then find a way to give you the other half of money." said Camila in a low voice, Rio tilted his head to the side a little, his first time hearing Camila actually speaking more than 4 words.


you can say Rio was, but deep down Rio actually wondered why Camila would be friends with the type of people Annie, Ruby and Beth are like.

Rio nodded his head at Camila with a small grin shown on his face, "okay then, imma give you guys three days to get me the other half of my money." Rio said.

three days? oh now i gotta really bust my ass at work now.

Beth shook her head at Rio, "only three days? we need more time than that,"

"well you see that ain't ma problem, but now i gotta go."
Rio said as he shoved his hands in his pockets and begin walking towards the front door with his men following behind him, soon they were gone.


please VOTE & COMMENT 💕
by the way if you guys can please check out my other
book i just created of HBO EUPHORIA, i would appreciate it <333

hope you guys have a good day you baddies 😈

hope you guys have a good day you baddies 😈

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