You Can't Get Back What You've Already Burned (BakuDeku)

Start from the beginning

"I'm hanging in there," He said. Regret filled Bakugou. He didn't know what to say to the boy. "So you're studying to be a doctor?"

"Trying to," Deku said cryptically. He finally looked towards Bakugou for a second. "Sorry I'm in a bit of a hurry. We should catch up some time."

"Uh yeah," Bakugou said. He watched as the boy walked away. Bakugou turned towards his parent's house not wanting to look at the sky anymore. 

Bakugou stared at the ceiling. His arms lay still by his side. He hurt to much to move too much. Silence filled the room. He could hear the faint noises of his house down stairs. His parents had the TV on playing some stupid sitcom. He heard the pots clang together as one of his parents moved them around. They talked in hushed tones that floated up the stairs, but he couldn't make out any coherent conversation. 

A knock at the door brought Bakugou out of his daze. He was sure it wasn't for him. There was no one who really knew where he was, which he was beyond grateful for. He heard another voice join in with the muddled sounds coming from the main floor. He sat up a bit as the voices came nearer to his room. He was ready to make a run for it as the unfamiliar footsteps walked up the stairs. 

A knock came at his door. He hesitated a moment before answering. "Come in."

There stood boy with his hands wrapped around his bag strap. He was just a bit taller than Bakugou's mother. "Sorry, did I come at a bad time," Deku asked after Bakugou sat gawking at the boy.

"No, I'm just surprised you're here," Bakugou said. 

"Yeah so am I," Deku muttered at barely audible volume. 

"Well, I'll just leave you two to catch up. It's good to see you Izuku," Bakugou's mother said placing a hand gingerly on his shoulder. She turned to her son, "Your father and I are going out for a bit."

He wanted to call out to his old hag hoping that she could or would save him from the awkwardness bound to ensue. But he held his tongue. His mother walked out of the room closing his door in the process. They waited in silence listening to Bakugou's parents hurrying out the door. 

During this time, Bakugou took a moment to study the boy. It seemed like his fashion sense hasn't changed much over the years. He wore a basic shirt with the word shirt across it. Honestly Bakugou wanted to strip it off of the boy and burn the shirt. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Deku asked. He moved closer to the bed. The question irked Bakugou, but he couldn't fault the kid. He did look awful with bandages wrapped around his torso and over his arms. 

"Yeah," Bakugou said. 

Deku gave a small nod. "That's good."


Deku nodded again. His eyes darted all around the room. "It's pretty nice out today," Deku said after a long while. Bakugou looked out the window and nodded. After Bakugou didn't say anything, Deku took it upon himself to talk again. "Are you up for going outside?" 

Bakugou sighed. "Why are you here?" 

Deku seemed to be caught off guard by the question. "Well, I, um," Deku began. He eventually gave up using filler words and just shut up for a moment while he collected himself. "It was the first time that I've seen you in years. You look good, Kacchan," Deku said looking straight at Bakugou. "Sorry, Katsuki."

"I don't care what you call me," Bakugou said annoyed that it was such a struggle for Deku. He began to get up pulling the covers off himself. He watched as Deku's face grew concerned with him moving around. "Don't look at me like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2021 ⏰

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