What I've Always Wanted

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3025 words

"We're finally going to become pro heroes," Midoriya said. He smiled broadly while trying to hold back tears of joy. "Although I'm really going to miss you all," he added.

He looked around at his class. The familiar faces had stayed in his class since their first year of high school. The rest of class 3A was happily celebrating their graduation from the prestigious hero academy.

Aizawa set up a small party for his students. Wether or not he was relieved or sad to see the graduating class go was beyond them. They were lucky enough to have snagged a group photo of everyone including the allusive Aizawa. Mina sent the photo to everyone. The girls had a moment to themselves as the small group became close over the years.

"Kacchan," Midoriya said walking over to the typically cross young man. Bakugou made himself comfortable on the sofa. Bakugou tilted his head towards his friend.

"If you're wondering when I'm going to go visit the apartment, then I'll be there tomorrow," he said. He turned his gaze to his awaiting friends. Deku could wait for a moment.

"Wait you're really going that soon?" Midoriya asked.

"That's what I fucking said, so it's what I meant shitty nerd," Bakugou snapped back. Midoriya held up his hands in defense.

"I was just curious. I was planning on visiting my mom before I went over there," the green haired boy said. Bakugou nodded and turned to the group of his closest friends.

"I'm really going to miss you," Kirishima said slinging his arm over Bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou let the redhead do what he wanted. Kirshima began going on and on about his apartment. "I'd love for you to visit," he finally ended.

"Yeah yeah," Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Promise you'll stay in touch okay?" Kirishima said.

"Tch," Bakugou clicked. He brushed his friend's arm off his shoulder. "Yeah stay in touch," he said at a barely audible volume. Despite his best efforts of hiding his statement, Mina gave a small squeak and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She pulled him closer to her and whispered in his ear. "Take care of yourself okay," she said.

"Don't worry. I have Deku to look after the apartment," Bakugou said.

"Right, just make sure to eat and stuff," Kaminari said. Bakugou looked quizzically at the other blond. He hadn't spoken much to Bakugou today, yet the nerve of this boy thinking he could tell Bakugou Katsuki to take care of himself.

"I should be telling you that," Bakugou said. "Besides I wouldn't let either of us starve."

"Kacchan's right you should trust him on that. He's been working really hard to get better at cooking. I mean he was amazing before, but now he's even better," Midoriya gushed.

"See? I have it covered," Bakugou said. He turned to Midoriya with a smile. "Are you ready to go now?" he asked.

"Ready as ever! Beside you even helped me pack. I was able to get most of the figures to my mom's apartment, but I couldn't leave them all. I know you don't necessarily want to have All Might everywhere, but a few things wouldn't be too bad would it?" Midoriya asked. His eyes as big as ever as he silently pleaded.

"I knew this was going to happen, but luckily I sorted all of your favorites in one box," Bakugou said.

"You're always looking out for me Kacchan!"

"Are you sure that you can't move in sooner?" Bakugou asked softly.

"Sorry, I was hoping to see my mom and maybe I can find that box. Everything was sent back to my house. Though if i remember correctly they should have put all of my clothes together. My All Might merch should be in my room towards the back a bit," Midoriya said.

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