After Cleaved

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NOTE : Star was 15 and Marco was 16 then Cleaved happen in this AU

After the events from "Cleaved",it was a huge chaos going on.Like people freaking out about the monsters from Mewni,the weird looking sky plus it looked like it has 3 moons or something,some parts being literally castles etc that almost became a war,but luckily that didn't happen.It took time to calm everyone down and make peace around,but in the end everything turned to be ok,in the most part.

Echo Creek transformed in the only place on Earth where you can find monsters,demons,pony heads and other species from the old Mewni.
Star and Marco start their new lives in the cleaved world they created and was named Mewcho Creek,an combination of Mewni and Echo Creek names.Eclipsa took the role of being the queen while Star began having a normal life instead of being the princess like before.

After 4 years Marco proposed to her,hey get married and she took the Diaz last name.Misty was born another year later,her actual name is Kassandra,but for some reason everyone is calling her Misty.As a child,Misty had a imaginary friend named Glow,she wanted her parents to meet him but Glow told her that only she can see him as a company every little child has.

Misty is about to turn 16 years old.In her birthday day she woke up and got to the bathroom but then...she looked in the mirror to see some fricking 6 pointed stars in her cheeks !!

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