Start from the beginning

"Oh shit," Red said. He wasn't being mindful of his tone.

I turned to where he was looking, and in the dark room, I saw Alvin. He was slumped in a chair with his hands tied behind his back. He wasn't conscious. We bolted to him. Red untied his hands and I observed his form. Marcus guarded the door. Alvin had a cut on his lip, but he didn't seem too injured anywhere else.

Under my fingers, there was a pulse alive under his ear. I shook him slightly, then I resulted in smacking his face.

I should've brought Presley, he'd know what to do.

"Al," Red said. "Wake the fuck up," he was urgent.

Red pulled out a tin flask from underneath his jacket and looked at me.

"Is that your alcohol stash?," I asked incredulously.

He unscrewed the top and nodded. "This'll wake him up," he assured, then he splashed it on Alvin's face.

Presley would have a seizure if he saw our tactics for handling unconscious people.

Alvin started to stir. Red grinned at me. "Alcohol is always the answer," he whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey," I patted Alvin's check. "It's us."

Alvin opened his eyes slowly, he was disoriented for a moment, then he widened his eyes. He fell backwards in the chair.

"Shit, Alvin, it's us," Red said. "What the fuck happened to you?"

Alvin groaned and sat up. "Red? Nate?," he looked like he just found out he won the lottery. Alvin looked towards the door, "Is that Marcus?"

Marcus waved.

"How did you guys find me?," Alvin asked, getting up from the ground. He looked around warily. "Where the hell are those people? Where's Haley?"

"Haley's fine, she's in the car, but where's Ally?," I asked. "Kyles searching the other side of the building."

Alvin looked troubled. "Oh shit," he looked around the room, scanning the floor. "They had us right here," he said, pointing at the spot where he stood. "Both of us. I don't know where she went. We have to find her, Nate."

"Are you good to walk? Or are you going to pass out again?," I asked.

Alvin scoffed and waved me off. "I'm fine, give me a gun, let's go find her."

I reached behind my jacket and retrieved a pistol that I tossed to Alvin. He caught it. I led the way out of the dark little room, we were outside once again.

Alvin let out a relived breath. I knew he didn't want to admit it, but he was scared. He was scared that he was going to die there in that little room. He joined my gang to feel more empowered because he was tired of being defenseless, but in that room, he was powerless. That's what he was afraid of.

There was a second door. It had rusty hinges and a messy paint job. I tried the knob, I wasn't surprised that it didn't budge. I turned to Marcus. He pulled out that shiny needle again and worked his magic. Once he was done, he stepped aside for me to open the door.

I held my gun out in front of me and swung the door wide. Bile arose up in my throat. It was Ally, she was there, on the cold stone floor. She appeared to be breathing, but she was half dressed. Her clothes were no where to be found, she was only in her undergarments.

"What the fuck?," Red breathed.

I tore off my jacket and immediately went to cover her.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This could have been my sister.

"Don't wake her," I commanded. "She doesn't need to be embarrassed."

Red and Alvin took off their jackets and covered her legs. They nodded in agreement. Alvin couldn't look at her. The silence in the air was thick. Marcus looked horrified.

There was a question that no one wanted to voice.

Was she raped?

"Call Kyle," I told Red. "Tell him to retreat."

I hauled Ally up like a groom would carry a bride. Except this wasn't a wedding. I made sure only her face was exposed and I carried her as fast as I could to my Jeep. Alvin opened the Jeep door, and I placed Ally carefully into the back seat. Haley cried out when she saw her.

"Is she...," she sobbed. "Is she o-okay?," my sister was breathing erratically. I wanted to comfort her, but this was enemy territory, no one was safe. We needed to get out of here, fast. 

"Keep quiet, Hales," I said quietly. "Make sure she's not cold."

I shut the door and sought out Kyle. He was already sprinting towards the Jeep.

"Let me see her," he ordered. I had never seen him like this, uncontrolled. 

"Ky, you can see her at base," I responded, my hand in front of me. "We need to get the fuck out of here."

He clenched his fists and nodded. He hopped into the black challenger behind the Jeep and revved the engine. I climbed into the Jeep, so did Alvin and Red. Marcus went with Kyle.

I sped out of the parking spot with Haley sobbing into Ally's golden hair. Red sat next to me in the passengers seat, he didn't say a word. Alvin held my sister's hand. He told her everything was going to be okay.

Someone set my gang up. Someone wanted to scare us. They wanted to prove that we aren't invincible. But who?

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