Chapter 16: Dominate

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We both look at each other faces beet red. Bokuto has this big smile plastered on his face and I'm just a giggling mess.

"Kiss me." He says and I lean in.

Right before my lips touch his he swerved out the way, leaving me kissing the air.

"You jerk!" I say and he's laughing.

"Ok, ok for real this time." he says and he kisses me.

We exit off the ferris wheel hand in hand just laughing with each other.

Truth Hurts by Lizzo starts playing and Bokuto and I break out singing.

We have a whole crowd of people staring at us but we don't care. We sing and dance with everything in us.

The song ends and we both pout.

We walk out of the carnival and head to a nearby bench. We both plop down on the bench.

I cuddle up next to Bokuto and we sit there just admiring each other.

Even though we were both a little wild, I loved these quiet moments where we just sat and admired each other's presence.

"We leave to your training camp next week right?" I say breaking the silence.

"Yeah, I'm so excited!" he says sitting up with sparkles in his eyes.

I laugh at his reaction and say, "Alright, then let's go home and get our things together. Maybe we can get there early so we can grab some boba." I say and he smiles.

"YAYYYY! I LOVE THAT IDEA!" he says and carries me bridal style and starts running.

"Bokuto! Where are we going?" I say in his arms.

"To the train station so we could go home!" he says panting.

I laugh at how excited he was just to go home to get up earlier. It was because we were gonna get boba, of course. Boba is very important.

We get to the train station and he puts me down.

The station was surprisingly empty, so Bokuto and I ran through it like little kids.

"Bokuto! I'm hungry!" I say while running.

"Me too!" he says and we look around for food.

We see a McDonalds and run towards it.
(ik i use mcdonald's a lot but it's the first thing that comes to mind lol sorry)

We order our food and continue running to the train. While we're running Bokuto trips and falls and drops his food.

"NOOOOOO MY FOODDDD!!" he yells while his eyes tear up.

"It's ok we can share." I say grabbing his hand to pull him up.

I pick him up and there are still tears in his eyes

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I pick him up and there are still tears in his eyes.

I wipe his eyes and he smiles.

"It's ok Bokuto. Don't cry." I say comforting him.

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