Chapter 7: I need to talk to her

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"Are you sure you want to go to school Y/N?"Keiji asks.

"Yea, I need a distraction. I'll be fine Keiji, don't worry." I say reassuring him.

"Oh and by the way, Bokuto and I are gonna practice together today, if you wanna join?" I say.

"Ok I'll practice with you guys" he says.

"Yaaaayyyyyy!" I say hugging him.

Bokuto pov:

Oh there they are.

"Hey hey hey!!" I say running up to them.

"Hey Bokuto!!" Y/N says.

"Hey Bokuto-san" Akaashi says.

"Bokuto, Keiji agreed to practice with us today!" she says.

"Yay! We'll have a setter!" I say excitedly, even though I kinda wanted it to just be the two of us.

Why do I feel disappointed? What is this feeling?

"I hope you don't mind Bokuto. I thought we would've needed a setter." she says scratching the back of her neck.

"No I don't mind at all!" I say back.

Y/N pov:

I love Keiji but maybe I shouldn't have invited him. I kinda wanted it to just be me and Bokuto.


"Bokutoooooooo!!" I say running towards him.

"Y/nnnnnnnnnn!!" he says returning the same energy.

"You ready?!" I say.

"Totally!" he says back with his wide smile.

"Alright let's go to the gym." I say.

"We're not gonna wait for Akaashi?" he says.

"It's fine, he can meet us there." I say grabbing his hand and pulling him into the gym.

A bright pink covered Bokuto's cheeks.

"Alright, let's set everything up and then we can change." I say.

"Ok cool." he says calmly.

We finish setting everything up and changing and Akaashi enters the gym.


"We're the only ones in here. Could you be any louder?" he says rolling his eyes and heads to the locker room.

Akaashi Pov:

How can she distract herself so easily? How can she just put on a mask? I know she's hurting.

"Finally! Let's get started!" Y/N says.

I set her the ball and she spikes it. Hard. She hit it with way more power and force than she usually would.

I set some to Bokuto and he does great, like usual.

Everytime I set to Y/N she hits it too hard. She keeps popping the balls.

Bokuto looks at her concerned and then looks at me.

"Are you okay Y/N?" he says.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just super pumped." she says laughing a little.

Stop lying Y/N. Don't lie to yourself.


"We've been practicing for 3 hours Y/N. Look at you hand, it's bruised. I think it's time we stopped."  I say.

"No I'm fine." she says sternly.

"Yeah, I think Akaashi is right Y/N. We should probably sto-" Bokuto tries to say.

"I said I was fine alright." she says.

"No you're not Y/N. Stop lying to yourself. You're not fine. You're not okay." I say fed up with her acting fine when she's not.

Bokuto looks at me and without saying anything, I know he's confused and genuinely wants to know what's going on.

"Let's just go home." Y/N says packing all the equipment up.

We try to help her but she's already done and walking out of the gym.

I need to talk to her.


A/N: hey guys! i'm starting to just update whenever i can. i tried to set like times and days to update but i couldn't do it, so i'm just gonna update whenever now. thanks for reading and cya in the next one!💞💞

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