Chapter 4: Ice Cream

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"If your team wins Y/N, I'll buy you ice cream. If we win, you buy us ice cream." Akaashi says.

"Oh you're making bets now Keiji! Its on!" I say back.

I head to the locker room pumped to change out of my uniform, and I tie my hair up.

I head out to the gym and get on my team's side.

"Alright guys, lets do this!" I say pumping the boys up.

Bokuto's team serves and our libero digs it. Our setter sets me the ball and I spike it. The ball lands in their court, leaving all the boys standing still as if they couldn't move. They all just stood their shocked.

"FUCK YEAH!! DID YOU GUYS SEE THAT?! AKAASHI DID YOU SEE THAT?!" I screamed totally pumped. I had gained our first point.

Bokuto's team scored and we scored as well. We kept going back and forth.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" I yell, and the setter sets me the ball.

It all seems slow motion. I see the ball coming to me and I jump up to spike it. I look at the blockers and wink, then spike the ball and win the game. 

"OH HELL YEAH!! YOU HAVE TO BUY ME ICE CREAM KEIJI!!" I yell. I head to the locker room to change and grab my stuff. I step out of the gym to see Bokuto and Keiji waiting for me.

"Oh Bokuto you're coming too?" I say.

"Yeah, if you don't mind Y/N." he says shyly.

"Oh no I don't mind. Now, I get to brag about my win to TWO people who lost against me." I say proudly.

They both sigh and I laugh.

We go to the ice cream shop and we all order.

We were there for about an hour just laughing and screaming, well mainly me and Bokuto were laughing and screaming while Keiji was just rolling his eyes and smiling here and there. I actually like Bokuto around. He's really fun and actually cute..?

Sometimes I would catch myself just staring into his eyes. Damn, and its only the first day. Am I catching feelings? Damnit Y/N you always do this. Get yourself together he probably doesn't even like me back, I tell myself.


A/N: hey guys, i know i just uploaded an hour or two ago, but i wanted to upload one again. from now on, i'll probably be uploading two chapters every week, maybe more. anyways, i love y'all and thanks for reading.

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