How Was My Innocent Mind Supposed To Know That?

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"Will you please scoot your gigantic ass over? I'm practically out the door!" Diego jerked in his seat, glaring at his brother.

Klaus barely even acknowledged him, "You wish you had an ass this juicy."

"You two are disgusting," Alison wrinkled her nose and shook her head.

"Alison, will you please tell Klaus to move over?"

"What makes you think I'm on your side?"

"Frankly, I think you should both be on my side," Klaus pushed his hair behind his shoulders, "I already took one for the team and took the terrible middle seat."

Alison flung up her hands, "And you're making it everybody's problem!"

I tugged my hat over my eyes and groaned. Next to me, Five had murder in his eyes and I could just hear him wondering if saving his siblings was really worth it. He clenched his fists as I poked one eye out of my hat, "At this rate, we won't make it to the farm, I'll kill them first."

"You take the left, I'll take the right," I grumbled in response.


"I will cut you!" Diego exclaimed as Klaus leaned more on his shoulder.

Luther shook the entire car as he moved to lean on the backseat, "All of you, shut up or I'll turn this car around!"

"You can't do that," Klaus turned to face him, "You're not even driving."

"Fine- I'll make Vanya turn this car around."

"You can't make Vanya do anything, she's her own person."

"But I can," Alison interrupted, "And you will not like that."

"Will you all please be quiet? It's difficult to focus with all this noise," Vanya tightened her grip on the steering wheel.

I spun around and glared at the three Hargreeves taking up the backseat, "I will separate you, would you like that?"

"Geez," Diego looked at how they were all sandwiched together, "How are you gonna do that, Clove?"

I leaned on my arm and glared at him, "I'll give you a guess."

"If I see one shield, I'll kick your ass."

"You wouldn't even get the chance."

"Everybody shut up!" Klaus leaned forward, pushing me back into the front seat in the process, "Is that snow or am I hallucinating?"

I had fallen to where my back was pressed against the dashboard of the car. Looking straight up, I could see the dark gray clouds reaching out over a blue sky. It was painfully obvious those clouds weren't natural. It was a sunshiny day, there hadn't been a single cloud until that moment. It went almost in a perfect circle.

All of us watched as tiny white puffs fell onto the windshield. As we drove closer to the farm, I could hear the snow crunch under the tires. The snow got thicker the closer we came to the farm. When I finally looked straight ahead, I saw just how unnatural this snowstorm truly was.

It was all coming from a single spot on the barn. Lightning shot up the the roof of the barn and straight into the cloud, making it swarm like a hurricane and expand over the entire property. The whole place was covered in snow. Even the snow felt unnatural. It was much colder than normal snow, and sharper. I could feel it stinging and cutting all the exposed parts of my body.

The real show came from inside of the barn. Light flashed and a loud rumbling shook the entire building. I half expected the barn to fly off into space at any moment. It was something straight out of a sci-fi film, I could barely believe I was seeing it with my own two eyes.

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