Flesh & Blood

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The sun rose over the horizon and directly in beth's eyes as she grunted in responce to the annoying rays of sunlight that peeked through her tent. It wasn't long before her eyelashes fluttered and was now staring at the ceiling. ''Daryl?.'' She asked, looking beside her. However instantly discovering he was not there. Thats weird.. Beth unzipped the tent and stepped out into the cold atmosphere. The morning chill pricked at her bare arms as she rubbed them for warmth. ''Mornin' sunshine.'' Daryl said from behind her. Beth jumped and turned around to look at the messy haired boy leaning on a tree. ''Jesus Daryl you scared me.'' She said. Daryl lifted an eyebrow as he watched her rub her arms. 'You cold?.'' He asked and she nodded slightly. ''A little..'' Daryl's eyes softened a bit. ''Stay by the fire for now,'' He said walking away. ''I gotta make a run.'' Before beth could even answer he was gone. She sighed and pulled out a book from the tent and sat by the fire. Her eyes scanned the words with ease as she waited for Daryl to return. Half an hour later, Daryl walks back over to camp and sits beside beth. ''Oh hey, your back.'' She says while gently folding a page of her book to mark the spot. He grunted in responce. ''What did ya get?.'' She asked as he dug through his bag. Daryl pulled out a maroon coloured hoodie and passed it to her. It was in decent condition, a little dirty but beth didnt care. The hoodie was maroon/burgandy lined with white fake fur on the inside. ''F-For me?.'' She asked as she held the hoodie in her hands. This was new to her.. well this side of Daryl anyway. He nodded slightly. Beth slipped the hoodie over her head and smiled. The goosebumps on her skin had calmed down and at last she was warm. ''What did you get for yourself?.'' She asked, glancing at his bare muscular arms. ''Nothin'.''

''What?.'' She asked in disbelief before grabbing a blanket from the tent and wrapping it around his shoulders. ''You must be freezing.'' Daryl was cold, but he wanted to make sure she was okay before he even started thinking about himself. Beth sat down beside him once more and leaned he head on his shoulder and sighed. Daryl stiffened. Loving interactions were still oh so new to him. It grew quiet for a few minutes before she started humming a sweet tune. Daryl just closed his eyes and listened as her melodic voice filled the quiet atmosphere.

''Rick I ain't stoppin' till I find her,'' Maggie said firmly whilest walking down the old wooden steps. ''I lost her once, I'm not losing her again.'' Rick grabbed her by the wrist and she whipped around. Her eyes blazing with oceanic flames. ''Let. Go.'' She said through her teeth. ''I'm not letting you go alon-''

''Then come with me.'' Maggie interupted. He knew she was determined to find her sister. Rick quickly gathered his words and opened his mouth to speak when he was interupted. ''You never seemed to give a shit before.'' Both of their heads snapped up as carl walked down the church steps. His expression was rock hard and cold. ''She was gone for weeks on end but all you cared about was glenn.''


''Don't. Dad you know it's true, hell so does she,'' He stepped closer to maggie so he was now facing her. ''You chose glenn over your own flesh and blood. Why would she want to stay knowing you couldn't care less about her.'' Maggie's eyes filled with tears as she pulled out her gun and help it up to carl's temple. ''You know nothing, little boy.'' Carl grew angry as he grabbed his knife and lunged at her.


''What the hell was that?.'' Beth asked franticly as she jumped to her feet. ''Sounded like a gun shot.'' Daryl said nonchalantly. ''Should we follow it?.'' Beth asked as she stood on her tippy toes to peer through the forest. ''Nah. It sounded like it came from pretty far away.'' Beth nodded slightly before sitting back down at the fire and watched as Daryl cooked an animal he hat hunted. Without thinking twice about it, the two sat in a comfortable silence as they rosted their food in peace.

oooo! What do you think happened guys?

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much love,


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