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I looked over at the bullies' table and I didn't see anyone of them. Including Shayne and Brandon, who had sat with them today. A few of the students had dared to follow them, but most stayed behind, clearly scared to go but yet, clearly curious!

"Hey guys!" Lucas said, suddenly plopping on the bench. "What's up with the bullies?"

"Where were you?" Crystal said instead.

"The library." He replied. "Why's everyone panicking?" Lucas looked around, a bit concerned.

"Crystal nutted Natalie's milkshake." Cecilia blurted, not being able to hold herself again.

"Way to go, snitch!" Crystal shot, giving her a cynical smile. Cecilia didn't care. She seemed keen on Lucas knowing. Lucas however seemed to have received the news with a shock.

"What?" He whisper-yelled.

"Stop making it look like such a big deal!" Crystal exclaimed.

"It is!" Lucas hissed. "Natalie is allergic to nuts! Everyone knows that!"

"Not everyone!" Crystal grumbled.

"Most of us!" Lucas hit back. "But that's not the point Crystal, that wasn't a great move."

"Great!" She gave a tight smile. "Go on, judge me! Natalie knows I hate cockroaches but somehow I find them in my P.E locker. And what do you say? 'oh nevermind her! That's the way she is'." Crystal mocked.

"But when it's my turn, 'that wasn't a great move!'" She mocked again. "Hypocrites!" She mumbled, stood up angrily and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Wow." Lucas said. I sighed. "Aren't you going to say something, Sam?" I sighed again.

"Lucas, I- I don't know what to say. I am totally not in support of what Crystal did, but how can I want to see her hurt?" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

It was why I never had close friends. It seemed more like friendship demanded you to support your friend even if they are wrong. But I wasn't like that. I couldn't be! But still, Crystal is my friend.

How does one balance the being truthful and being a good friend? Personally, I'd like a truthful friend. What does Crystal want? Above all, could I give her what she wants?

"Come on, Everyone!" Someone suddenly yelled. "There's a fight going on outside!"


As soon as Cecilia, Lucas and I stepped into the main hallway, we came face to face with the large crowd of students. Somehow, we managed to push our way to the front to see, not only the girls arguing, but some of the guys too. In fact, each of the bullies either seemed to be voicing an opinion, countering an opinion or calming the other down. I noticed Caleb, Shayne, Emily and Charlotte weren't at the scene.

Where on earth was the fight?!

It was as soon as I thought that, that my eyes trailed to see Alex holding her face and Andrew talking earnestly with Crystal, though calmly. Crystal seemed to argue back and not calmly. It wasn't long before Drew's voice silenced everyone.

"For crying out loud, Crystal!" He growled beneath his breath but it somehow silenced the noise. Probably because no one ever expected Andrew to react that way. He shook his head and turned to leave.

"Yeah, walk away!" Crystal yelled after Drew. "That's what you do, anyway! Keep running!" Drew stilled a bit at those words. But just immediately, he continued walking, not sparing Crystal a glance. Crystal scowled but stormed off the other way, most definitely towards her locker.

"What are you all doing out here?!" A voice suddenly yelled. It was Principal Bennett Immediately, all the students dispersed. Almost all!, as Principal Bennett ordered some of us to stay back. As soon as the hallway was emptied of most of the students, she turned to those of us who remained.

"Which of you have an examination now?" Only Carlos, Brandon and Ethan responded in the positive. Principal Bennett nodded and dismissed them, leaving Lucas, Cecilia, Alex and me to face her.

"Who gave you that bruise?" She asked Alex who had dropped her hand to reveal a bruise on her face.

"Crystal." Alex mumbled.

"What have I told you about you getting involved in another scandal?"

"It wasn't my fault ma'am!" Alex protested.

"Oh shush! In fact, my office now!"

"Is any of you a witness of the fight?" She asked, turning to us. Immediately, my friends and I shook out heads vigorously.

"And Crystal? Where is she?"

"We have no idea." Lucas replied. Principal Bennett narrowed her eyes at us but still marched Alex away.

"Let's go find Crystal!" I said, suddenly feeling uneasy. "I feel so bad for her."

"Yeah, me too." Cecilia and Lucas said together, making us laugh.

"Do you think she'd still be upset?" Cecilia asked.

"Definitely!" Lucas laughed.

We remained silent as we walked around the hallway to Crystal's locker but she wasn't there. We then went to the library but she wasn't there either. After we searched the piano room and couldn't find her, we became worried but we were more worried when she didn't reply any of our texts. Soon, a thought popped into my mind.

"What if she's in her home?" I asked.

"Right." Lucas snapped his fingers and we all hurried to the underground apartment that belonged to the Hart family. We met the door to the apartment ajar. Cautiously, I peeked in.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I called, as we all walked in. There was no reply so we walked further in and headed towards Crystal's room. As soon as we got near Crystal's room, we heard loud sobs. Immediately, Lucas hurriedly pushed open the door.

We found Crystal kneeling on the floor, a knife in her hand as she stared at a painting of herself?

Oh no! It was Candice!

"Crystal!" I screamed just as Cecilia yelled, "My goodness!"

"What the heck?!" Lucas yelled, clearly terrified, pulling the knife away from her. I pulled her into a tight hug and my friends also covered us in hugs. Crystal sobbed hard into my shoulder.

"I miss her! I don't even know who I am anymore!"


Hey guyssss!!!! How're you all doing???

I had a lovely week and also a long day because I attended IMUN 34.0 conference today! It was amazing!!! I thank God for a great week! Trust you guys had a great week too! We give God all the glory!!!

What are your thoughts on this chapter?? How can we balance being a truthful friend and being a supportive friend! Make sure to leave your comments! I'd love to hear your thoughts!


Always remember Jesus loves you so much and died for your sins to reconcile you back to God forever, giving you eternal life🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️!!! Believe on Him today and be saved! Remember my DM is always open for questions 🤗❤️❤️❤️❤️

Have an amazing week ahead!!! I love you all❤️❤️❤️


The Bullies' Slave 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz