ONE: Bittersweet Reunion

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"Oh, so you're not gonna answer me? What about everything we've been through together?"

He closed his eyes with a sigh. "You're a villain. No longer the hero I knew," his eyes shot open, his hair floating above his head as his quirk was activated.

His quirk allowed him to cancel the quirk of whoever he looked at, so long as he didn't blink.

I smirked and crouched down, one my legs extended to the side. "Don't you remember? I don't need my quirk to beat you"

We were best friends back in our high school days, training with each other to get better, to become heroes. I obviously took a different route, but I never forgot where I came from.

"Hey, Shouta!" I called out, rushing towards him as he walked towards the school. "What's the rush?"

"I have training," he mumbled, his long black hair falling in his face as he looked down.

"Can I join? What kind of training?"


"Oh, I've been practicing! I need a lot of training since my quirk doesn't aid my fighting. We can help each other, get better together!"

He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. "Meet me on the P.E. grounds"


I rushed ahead of him towards the locker rooms, going to change into my gym clothes. When I made it outside I found him stretching, also wearing his gym clothes. He stood up straight, noticing I had arrived, and faced me.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yup! Now, don't go easy on me, and I won't go easy on you. Give it your all"


We both attacked at the same time, throwing punches and kicks, dodging almost everything. I managed to grab hold of his shirt and throw him to the ground, but he had a hold of me as well. We rolled around in the dirt for a bit, trying to pin the other, when it finally came to a stop.

I was on top of him, I had won the fight. His hair was spread all around him and for once I could see his eyes, properly see both his eyes. He was surprised, last time we sparred he took me out in an instant.

I chuckled nervously. "Sorry, I got a bit ahead of myself. Why don't we go get some food?"

I smirked victoriously, having pinned Aizawa to the ground. "Sorry, but it had to be done"

He glared at me, his power activating once again, and then he got one of his arms free, making his scarf wrap around me. I couldn't go intangible and step out of the scarf, so he easily flung me to the side off of him.

"So, you have some new tricks," I muttered, wiping the small bit of blood dripping from my nose as I stood up.

But he wasn't done with me yet. His eyes were still set on me, meaning I had to keep fighting. His scarf came towards me, but I grabbed hold of it, hoping to use it to my advantage. I yanked him towards me by the scarf, but he had been expecting it, so as he got pulled closer he jumped, kicking me in the face.

I fell back, losing my grip on the scarf, allowing him to wrap me in it again. "Stop this, now, I don't want to hurt you anymore," he tells me.

The villains surrounding us were all watching, not bothering to attack, too engrossed in our one on one fight. I looked up at Aizawa's eyes, finding he really meant it. He didn't want to fight me.

Lie to Me (Aizawa x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum