Demigod React #10

Start from the beginning

Annabeth: Organs and terrible stuff.

Silena: Phobos and Deimos.

Charles: She means fear and horror.

Katie: Blood cake?

Miranda: Demonic fantasies.

Grover and Juniper: Crazy!

Tyson: Daddy!! (cries)

Ethan: Fun.

Clarisse: Beautiful.

Luke: Creative.

Percy: Creative.

Rachel: C.R.E.A.T.I.V.E

Nico: **** my life.

Stolls: Can you tell the story of this video?

Katie: So there was three friends, a yellow guy, a bird and a red monster thing.

Charles: Then, there was a singing notepad sang about creativity.

Thalia: He or she, I don't care, just mind- manipulate the trio.

Annabeth: Next, it just started having organs and blood. I don't know what in the name of Olympus was going on.

Grover: You showed me things that I really don't like. Death, blood, gore.

Luke: Then I don't know how the hell it turned back to normal.

Stolls: Do you like the video so far?

Percy: No! Of course!

Tyson: Daddy! Percy! (still crying)

Juniper: Only insane people love it!

Miranda: Who like stuff like that?

Clarisse: That was awesome!

Ethan: Fantastic! (thumbs up)

Stolls: What do you thing if children watch this.

Bianca: They will probably crying. Some might having nightmare.

Silena: If I'm scared of this, how do they manage that?

Nico: Kids are weird. They probably love something like that.
Rachel: I like it. Maybe the others too.

Stolls: Is there any hidden message in this video?

Ethan: They describe creativity in a different concept.

Annabeth: This is a whole new level of creativity. I'm an architect myself. Being creative involves the use of skill and the imagination to produce something new or a work of art.

Rachel: I know a lot about creativity. This type of creativity represents those who loves insane creativity. Like Van Gogh, he cut his ear off and believed its something beautiful. That's why he ended up staying in a mental hospital.

Stolls: Do you have a better title for this video?

Percy: Don't watch me, I'm terrible.

Silena: I'm scary as Tatarus.

Miranda: Get crazy in creativity.

Tyson: Go away from this video.

Bianca: I still prefer the original title. It really gives me the 'don't hug me, I'm scared' feeling.

Stolls: Do you recommend this to your friends and family?

Charles: No.

Katie: I don't want my siblings to experience the same fear.

Juniper: The satrys and nymphs probably hate this.

Rachel: Probably yes.

Annabeth: I'll watch this over and over again to get the real meaning before I show this to my cabinmates.

Clarisse: We love this video. Maybe dad will like this too.

Nico: I might show this to my father but I'll never show this to any of my sisters or friends.

Luke: I'll trick them to watch this. Like you guys did to me.

Katie: Thanks for watching this episode of Demigods React.

Miranda:(hugs Katie)

Katie: (screams)

Ethan: (sings)Now let's all agree. To vote and comment this already.

Grover: Hope you have a great day for being creative.

Clarisse: I want to eat organ cakes. Bye, suckers.

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