Demigods React #27

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Demigods React #27


Percy Nemo Jackson

PeanutButter Jelly



Super-sized McSizzle


Ghost King




White Bianca

McNugget Rampange

Thalia: Crazy bitch on the way!

Tyson: (gasps) She just said a bad word!

Ethan: They don't sell McNuggets at 10.30?

Rachel: No! She didn't just hissed at her!

Grover: This lady wants her nuggets so much!

Percy: Ouch! She hits her!

Bianca: By the angel, that's rude!

Clarisse: What's her ultimate form?

Juniper: (covers her mouth)

Leo: (chuckles)

Nico: (laughes) What the hell?

Piper: Slap that bitch on the face!

Rachel: Just give her a black eye!

Percy: (in a sing song tone) Grab da fingers and let her go!

Grover: Now I don't understand what she's saying.

Tyson: What is that red stain? Is that blood?

Clarisse: Oh! She's going super saiyan!

Thalia: Wait! They didn't call 91- Holy ****!

Leo: (mouth hangs open)

Bianca: What did she threw? Did they just staged this?

Piper: Oh yeah! Throw some brick and run away!

Nico: I can watch this for hours.

Connor: You're wearing a MacDonald's shirt.

Nico: (looks down at his limited edition MCD T-shirt) Coincidence? Ha!

Ethan: Where the **** are my McNuggets!

Question Time
Stolls: What happened in this video?

Ethan: She wants her McNugget so much that but she didn't get the response that she wanted.

Piper: Apparently they didn't serve nuggets at 10.30 so she used violence to 'solve' her problem.

Stolls: What do you think that she was saying?

Leo: She said tons of f-words and I can't really count how many.

Nico: She said ****s and the rest are not that clear.

Tyson: She said bad words that Percy doesn't let me say it.

Stolls: Why does someone get angry when they don't get something they want?

Stolls: Will you be mad if you don't get what you want?

Stolls: Do you think this video is real?

Stolls: The video footage is real but the audio is fake.

Stolls: The video is really old but the audio is just years old. Someone just reupload it and everyone thought it was new, even this video appeared in the latest news.

Stolls: What do you think aboit this reuploading thing?

Stolls: Why do you think that journalists and reporters are being so bad when they come to reporting stuff from the Internet?

Stolls: After you know the truth, what do you think about this video?

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