Demigods React #26

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Demigoda React #26


Percy Nemo Jackson

Annabeth Chase




Super-sized McSizzle

Hazel Levesque :)

KungFu Fai

Praetor Reyna



Short Viral Videos
First video: The Dramatic Chipmunk

Juniper: Ba-ba-bum!

Hazel: It's a hamster.

Percy: How did it do that?

Leo: My message ringtone...

Second video: Breakdancer hits baby

Annabeth: Something would gone wrong. I'm very sure of it!

Piper: Oh gods!

Luke: Oh no! Why would they do that?

Jason: I suspected that you love children get hurted.

Third video: The Sneezing Baby Panda

Rachel: Panda! Aww it's so cute.

Grover: It sneezed. How adorable...

Reyna: Why animals on the Internet are cute?

Frank: Please don't ask me if I've seen a real life panda cause I haven't seen one.

Fourth video: Lady Punch

Piper: Ohhh! She punched her.

Juniper: That's mean!

Annabeth: She didn't look hurted, she looked kind of confused.

Reyna: Did she said something offensive?

Final video: Jacuzzi Accident

Luke: This is a classic!

Leo: Ewww! She pooped!

Hazel: (cover her eyes) That's disgusting!

Percy: That's fake. I can tell.

Grover: That was one hell of disgusting viral video I've ever seen.

Question Time
Stolls: What does these videos have in common?


Grover: Short and funny.

Jason: Those are short yet viral videos.

Stolls: Why videos that are short are viral?

Rachel: People want things to be quick and funny. They don't want waste their time to watch something hilarious.

Hazel: Funny things happen in a brief of a time.

Piper: When people read the title of the video, they want the video fits the description and not some ****ty super long vid.

Stolls: What is the animal in that Dramatic Chipmunk?

Percy: A hamster?

Reyna: A squirrel? Or a Guinea Pig?

Juniper: Actually that is a prairie dog.

Stolls: Can you recreate it for us?

Annabeth: Okay.

Connor: (insert dramatic theme)

Luke: o_O

Rachel: ⊙▽⊙

Hazel: ;-)

Percy: :P

Grover and Juniper: :-*

Jason: @_@

Annabeth: =.=

Reyna: (ˇˍˇ)

Piper: ㄟ( ̄▽ ̄ㄟ)

Leo: (⊙o⊙)

Stolls: What about the breakdancer?

Piper: That guy was breakdancing and the poor little girl interupted him.

Luke: She kinda deserved it, for interrupting the art of dance.

Jason: I still don't get why people like watching children get hurt.

Stolls: What about the panda baby?

Hazel: The panda baby is so cute.

Frank: Nobody has ever watched a baby panda sneezed.

Leo: The baby panda was scaring the crap out of us and it's mom.

Stolls: What about the woman punched the other woman?

Reyna: Maybe she punched her because that girl said something bad about her.

Annabeth: The lady didn't expect to receive a punch from a random woman.

Juniper: There must be an mmisunderstanding.

Stolls: And the Jacuzzi scene..

Grover: That was epic!

Rachel: When people saw this video they would think: 'Oooh, is this real?'

Percy: I've seen fish poop and trust me, they didn't ooze out like the one you showed me.

Stolls: What would you react when you're in that pool?

Hazel: I'll run away, of course!

Leo: Call 911, and tell them that a woman pooped in a pool.

Luke: I'll run away, but before that, I'll dunk someone into that pool. (chuckles)

Travis: That's a great idea.

Luke: I know right?

Stolls: People love to remix these short viral videos, why would that do that?

Frank: They've ran out of ideas and tried to mix these videos out of boredom.

Piper: The Internet is full of garbage, people tend to reuse stuffs that viral to make a new video.

Reyna: They remix these viral videos and make into a collaboration. So others could see them in another video.

Stolls: What is the perfect ingredient to make short viral video?

Annabeth: I've never made a short viral video before. Don't ask me.

Rachel: Try to take some videos when you're in an event. You might find something fresh.

Leo: Even though I know the secret to make a short viral video, I'll zip my mouth and the secret die with me.

Reyna: Thank you so much, to be our viewers.

Jason: Don't stop watching our react video! Keep watching!

Grover: If you vote, I'll make a short viral video about satyrs.

Luke: Don't forget when you're in a pool and someone accidentally poop, dunk some random guy before run away. (laughs)

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