I spy with my little eye

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"What's your favourite show" Tyler asks.

"I don't watch television" I reply.

"Okay, what's your favourite colour" Tyler asks.

"I don't have a favourite colour" I reply

"What's your favourite animal" Tyler asks.

"I like cats" I reply.

"She has an interest, everybody it's official" Tyler stands up and celebrates.

"Sit down, your creating attention"Taylor says.

"So, are you like a crazy cat lady" Tyler asks.

"Crazy cat lady" I ask.

"Wow" Taylor says.

"A crazy cat lady, is a girl who has a lot of cats because they can't get a boyfriend" Tyler explains.

"I don't have any cats" I explain.

"What's your favourite book" Taylor asks.

"Umm, I like... No, the.. No not that one. Oh 'hatchet'" I answer.

"Hatchet, what's that about" Taylor says.

"It's about a boy who is visiting his father, he gets taken by a helicopter and crashes on the way. He has to survive in the Canadian woods until somebody saves him. He ends up being lost in the woods for like 5 months. He survives by using his hatchet that his mum gave him for the trip" I explain.

"Sounds boring" Tyler shrugs.

"It's not" I argue. "It teaches you to appreciate the little things like how lucky we are to have food and water and not being attack by wild animals. It teaches you to appreciate life in general and I think you could learn from it because you take everything you want without accepting the consequences" I add.

"She got a point, I think you should read it" Taylor says.

"I'm not reading a stupid book" Tyler says.

"It's gonna suck when karma comes to bite you in the ass" I mumble.

"What did you just say" Tyler almost growls.

"Nothing" I reply fastly.

"No, tell me" Tyler stands up. I'm feeling a little more then just a bit intimidated right now.

"I said nothing" I reply.

"I know you mumbled something so just tell me" Tyler growls this time.

I was terrified. I couldn't speak. How could he just order someone like this.

"Dude, your scaring her" Taylor says.

"I don't care, I want to know what she said. Tell me or else" Tyler says. I feel like I'm about to poop my pants.

"Dude, sit down" Taylor says.

"Why" Tyler says.

"Because your making a scene" Taylor says.

"This isn't over" Tyler says.

Then the bell goes. Thank god it's last period. I grab my things and rush out the door. He was terrifying. I make it home in like five minutes and it's a fifteen minute walk... Wow.

I go straight to my room. I listen to my music and stare at my roof. What I mumbles wasn't even that bad. It's just, he was so aggressive. I don't like aggressive people. That really scared me, I thought he was going to hurt me.

Dad walks in. "Hey honey, how was school" he says.

"It was alright" I answer the same answer I do everyday.

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