Fine line

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I'm laying next to Andy now. His eyes are closed but I can't sleep. I don't know why. Maybe it's the fact that I should've asked to sleep with Tyler instead. Then I could have hugged him and told him asleep me did it. That would've been amazing. But I'm stuck with Andy. Which isn't bad. He smells really nice. And he looks amazing when he sleeps.

"Why are you watching Andy sleep" Tyler whispers in my ear. I jump and squeal.

"I was not" I say.

"So were. I saw it" he smiles.

"No, I was just looking at wall" I say.

"I've been standing here for like a full minute. You were looking at him up and down" he smirks.

"I was not" I hit him on his hard stomach. Boy oh boy does that smirk suit him. I could look at him all day.

"I want you to sleep in my bed" he says.

"Wa, I don't think that's a good idea" I say.

"You know you want to" Andy whispers.

I jump and squeal again. "Stop it" I sigh.

"I don't want your eyes in him" Tyler says.

"They weren't" I say.

"You know when you think to yourself. Sometimes you say stuff out loud" Andy says.

"Hmm, like what" Tyler asks.

"Not for your ears" Andy smiles.

"What did I say" I ask Andy.

He leans over and whispers, "I know what my super power is now". He leans back and smiles.

"No, that wasn't supposed to happen" I say.

"It did. So, you can stay in bed with me if you want" he smiles.

"Okay, Tyler I take your offer" I say.

"Yay" Tyler says. But Andy grabs me and hugs me.

"Nope, your staying here with me" Andy says. My face in buried in his chest. And I could faint at the smell of him, in a good way. And his so good looking. Hmm, no you have a crush on Tyler.

"But, but I thought I was going to sleep with Tyler" I mumble into his chest.

"Yeah, she's sleeping with me" Tyler says.

"Nope, there's only like 3 hours left of the night! She may as well stay here" Andy says.

"Did you say 3 hours. I haven't even slept yet" I sigh.

"See, she's tired. Shhh" he says rubbing my back. That does feel nice. My eyes begin to feel heavy. I blink slowly. Then my eyes stay shut. And off to sleep I went. I was out like a log.

I woke up by Andy and Tyler talking.

"She's awake" Andy says.

"No I'm not" I yawn.

"Did you have a good sleep" Tyler asks me.

"I guess. Are you both hugging me. This is weird" I say trying to escape.

"Haha, yeah. I wanted to sleep with you so we decided that we could all sleep in 1 bed" Tyler hugs me tighter so I can't escape.

"Stop it" I groan.

"Why, I like hugging you" Tyler says.

"I can't breath" I explain.

"Sorry" Tyler loosens his grip.

"I need to use the bathroom" I say.

"But, but I don't wanna let go" Andy says.

"Let it go" I sing.

"Please stop" Tyler says.

"Then let me go" I say.

"Fine" they both say. Then I go to the bathroom. When I get out Taylor is standing outside the door. I go to walk past him.

"Wait" he says quietly.

"What" I say not turning to see his face.

"Do you have a crush on Tyler" he asks me.

"So what if I do" I say, "it's none of your business" .

"Because, I love you. It hurts to see you with him" he says.

"Should've thought of that earlier" I say. Then I walk back to the bedroom.

"What took you so long" Tyler asks me.

"Butt head" I say.

"What'd he do now" Tyler asks me.

"Just asking me about something" I say.

"Which is" Tyler asks.

"Don't worry, where's Andy" I ask.

"Oh, all you want to know is about Andy. Your not his type" Tyler says.

"I said I thought he was cute, I didn't say I had a crush on him" I laugh.

"You don't" he says.

"No" I answer.

"Thank god. Because I have a cr- I know somebody who has a crush on a you" Tyler says.

"Is it your brother. Because he did just confess his love to me" I say.

"That idiot said what. No, that's not allowed" Tyler says clearly getting angry.

"No, calm down" I say to him.

"Do you love him" he asks me.

"No, I hate him" I say.

"There's a fine line between love and hate" he says, or more growls.

"Tyler, I, I don't. Why would you think that" I say.

My facial expression must of changed because he says,"sorry, I was just. Fuck I'm mad sorry. I didn't mean it".

Then he hugs me. I need this hug, I need him. What has happened to me. My emotions are everywhere lately.

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