Siblings Helping Siblings Sleep

Start from the beginning

Once he got to his destination, he looked at the door, leading to safety. Monty looked around once more, shuddering. His body shook as he reached his hand out and turned the knob on the door

Monty opened the door and peered in, "K-knock knock s-sister," Monty stammered out, trying to breathe properly yet failing.

He took a few steps in, closing the door behind him. He stared at his sister's sleeping body, waiting for her to wake up.

"S-sister," Monty called out once more, hugging himself as he tried to stop shaking.

"Hmm?" Cassideya looked up from her pillow, staring at her brother before sighing, "What happened?"

"I had a-a nightmare..." Monty looked at his sister, his tears finally starting to pour down. Cassideya sat up, looking at her brother, thinking of what to do.

"Come here," Cassideya spoke in a tired tone, motioning for her brother to sit with her. Monty quickly rushed over to her, collapsing by her side hugging her tightly.

Monty's body shook as he cried, tightly hugging his sister who gently hugged him back, patting his head.

The two stayed like this for a while, Cassideya whispered some calming words to her brother every so often to help calm him.

It took a while but Monty had finally calmed down. He was still a bit shaken up but he could manage.

"So can you tell me what happened in your nightmare or would you rather just go to sleep?" Cassideya spoke, letting go of her brother and wiping away excess tears.

Monty sniffled, nodding his head, "Y-yeah, that would be nice. I don't r-remember much of it but I do k-know that I was just h-hanging out in the guild when something happened and everything turned into a monster,"

"You got this scared over a few monsters?"

Monty chuckled, "I guess it's not as scary when I say it aloud is it?"

"Yeah, it's not. Now, do you want to head back to your room or stay here for the night?"

Monty thought for a second, the fear that had once overcome him was now gone. He had always felt safer with his sister, plus the dream wasn't even that scary.

"Yeah, I would like to stay here. Just in case I have another nightmare," Monty said, looking up at his sister who nodded.

Monty pulled the covers over himself and placed his head on the soft pillows. Before long he was out cold.

Cassideya looked down at her brother, making sure he showed no signs of anything happening to him in his dreams. She had a strange way of showing love. Most people assume couldn't feel emotions, but she could just choose not to show it.

She lied down in her bed, resting on top of her blankets, closing her eyes, falling into the soft grasps of sleep.

Brandon and Ritchie

Ritchie slouched over the desk, filling out paper after paper. He was not in a good spot. His son was near death, he hadn't had a proper night's sleep in a long time, the treat of Devils Tounge, Abraham, and Biblico. A lot was on his mind right now.

As he sat there, slaving away, he didn't notice the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs.

"Hello, brother,"

Ritchie looks up, staring at the doorway. He blinked, trying to get a good grasp on who spoke.

"You okay?" The voice spoke again.

"Huh? Yeah," Ritchie quickly blurted out, "just a bit tired,"

"A bit?" The voice scoffed, not believing the words that came out of their brother's mouth.

Ritchie yawned, rubbing his eyes looking back at the person, "Hello Brandon,"

Bradon sighed, walking over to his brother, "Go to bed," He ordered.

"Why?" Ritchie asked, "I have paperwork I need to get done,"

"I can do that, you need sleep," Brandon said, grabbing his brother's arms, dragging him to his bed. Ritchie tried to pull back and resist, but he was much weaker than his brother due to lack of sleep.

"Brother let go! I need to work-"

"No, you need to sleep," Bradon cut him off, staring his brother down.

Ritchie looked at his brother before sighing, too tired to argue anymore.

"Brother, are you okay?" Brandon asked, sitting his brother onto his bed, "Usually when I force you to go to sleep you do a lot more resistance.

Ritchie stared annoyed at his brother, "What do you think? My son's almost dead and I need to take out Devils Tounge once and for all,"

Brandon shook his head, "You can't face them alone and you need a plan. There is a high chance that you would die there. I don't think Jupiter would have taken weak mages,"

"Well, I need to! They took my son," Ritchie's voice went from annoyed to angry as a small storm swirled outside.

"No, what you need is a plan and strength. You are in no condition to fight, you're too angry," Brandon spoke in a stern tone, "now get your depressed ass to bed,"

Ritchie stared at his brother, "No!"


The two of them argued for a while, shouting back and forth until a certain devil slayer burst into the room.

"Will both of you shut up and calm down!"

The twins snapped their necks over to the direction of the noise. There stood the ice-devil-slayer of Divins Magia, also known as David.

"Why are you two arguing so much? It's so loud, Plant and I can hear you all the way from our home!" David spoke loudly, earning a glare from the twins.

"Well David, since you're here," Brandon started, standing up, "can you tell this blue-berry that he needs sleep,"

"I do not!" Ritchie shouted back, standing up quickly.

"Hmmm," David paused and thought, "hmmmMMMMM" David took a good look at Ritchie, circling him.

"Will you stop that!" Ritchie snapped.

"Nah bro," David said, shrugging, "also, yes, you do need sleep. Like, right now,"

"See! I told you!"

Ritchie grumbled under his breath, crossing his arms as he sat back down on his bed.

"Come on Ritchie, go to sleep," David cooed, petting Ritchie on the head.

Ritchie glared at him and swatted his arm away, earning a laugh from David.

"Do you need us to sing you a lullaby?" David teased.

"Absolutely not!" Ritchie snapped out, "I can get to sleep on my own!" Ritchie lied down, grabbing his blanket and aggressively pulling them up over him.

Brandon and David watched over him for a little, making sure he didn't do anything. Once they heard soft snores coming from under the blanket, the two men walked off. Brandon goes over to his bed and David back to his house.

The three men slept in peace, their troubles drifting away into the void, waiting until they awakened to strike again. But for now, all is calm.


Words- 1702

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