Mario x Jyles (Guilt, Dread, and Fear)

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(This was requested by XxFanficWolfxX )

Jyles was walking back to the camp after having his little chat with Bryan. He still couldn't believe why Bryan trusted someone who was being possessed with making his sword. It bamboozled him. He would never understand what goes through Bryan's mind when he does stuff like that. Jyles was so lost in thought, he didn't even notice a certain black hair boy walking not too far away from him.

Mario had just finished talking to Momiji and was heading over to the mess hall to grab something to eat. As Mario walked, he noticed Jyles. Their last interaction flashed through his mind as he froze. He was then just standing there, staring at Jyles.

Jyles felt someone watching him and looked over to see Mario, frozen in what looked like guilt, dread, and fear. 'Probably all three,' Jyles thought to himself as he started walking over to Mario. Mario was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't even notice Jyles walking over to him.

"Hey Buddy," Jyles said, snapping Mario out of his thoughts. Mario looked at Jyles before feeling a wave of guilt, dread, and a bit of fear. It's not that he was scared of Jyles, more scared of this interaction they are about to have.

"H-hey Jyles," Mario spoke slowly after a moment of silence from him, "I, um," He tried to start, but the words seemed logged in his throat, his mind was clouded with guilt, dread, and a bit of fear. His heart heavy and his adrenaline spiking telling him to run, leave, getaway, but he knew he had to do this. If he could defeat the Seductive Rose, he could do this.

Mario took a deep breath before continuing, "Jyles, I just wish to apologize for what I did. I understand if you do not forgive me, I 'killed' you. I was blinded by my pain and anger and- and," He clenched his fists as he tried to continue but nothing was coming. He shut his eyes, waiting for something. What, he didn't know, he just wanted Jyles to do or say something, anything, "Jyles?" He asked, awaiting his answer.

Jyles pulled him into a hug. Mario stiffened for a mmoment before relaxing, "Buddy," he started, his hands running through Mario's hair, "I forgive you. You weren't in control of your actions. We will need to work on that anger though," he chuckled as he continued, "but you are forgiven. You're my friend, my Pal, my Buddy. You just need some help is all," Jyles finished.

Mario felt a wave of relief flow over him. All the guilt, dread, and fear he had was now gone. He hugged Jyles back, burying his face into his neck. They stayed like this in comfortable silence for a few minutes until Mario pulled back, taking a look at Jyles. He noticed his outfit was different from last time they saw each other.

"Hey, I like the new look,"

"Oh, this old thing? It's just a random outfit I grabbed. Last time I wore it was about," he thought for a second, "a few hundreds years ago I believe? Mabey a thousand? I don't really remember. Time really does flies,"

"Wow, I didn't know you were that old,"

"Why yes, I am. I have been around for quite some time,"

Mario smiled, gently gabbing Jyles' hands. He was about to say something, looking down at their hands before noticing something, "Hey um, are you... Okay? Your forearms are purple," Mario stated.

Jyles looked down at his hands and sighed, "Mario you remember when I told you about me being stuck inside a lamp right?" Jyles asked, making sure. Mario nodded slowly before Jyles continued, "Well you see, the Seductive Rose, when it locked me in there put a curse on the lamp. It was supposed to corrupt me, but luckily I was able to keep it at bay with meditation. It is getting harder though, and with dying it was able to take over a bit more of me," he explained. A bit of sadness clouded over his eye, "But I have been doing a great job of keeping it at bay, so don't worry about it!" Jyles exclaimed, a smile forming onto his face, bopping Mario's nose.

Mario looked at him and smiled as well. He was upset but knowing that Jyles was okay for now made him happy.

They stood there in awkward silence for a minute until Mario spoke up, "Well, I'm just glad you're doing okay and you forgive me," Jyles chuckled a bit before speaking up again.

"Well Mario you're my friend, and it wasn't you," Mario nodded and hugged Jyles, burying his face into his neck. A small smile forms on Jyles' face as he hugged back, embracing Mario. A slight blush crept onto the lighting boi's face. He was about to speak but Jyles beat him to it.

"Mario, you are one of the few people that care about me and I must thank you. You're my best friend, and I care about our friendship deeply. I'm so very glad that we became friends," As Jyles said that Mario felt his heart break. You see he has had a huge crush on the Jester boi for quite some time. It formed not too long after they met and he's just been too shy to ever confess.

Mario looked at the ground as he gripped tightly onto Jyles' clothes, "Y-yeah, me too,"

Jyles frowned. He could sense something wrong. He pat's Mario's back before pulling out of the hug, keeping his hands on Mario's shoulders. He looked Mario dead in the eye and asked in his silky smooth voice, "Mario, what's wrong?"

Mario shifted uncomfortably on his feet, darting his eyes around, trying to think of an excuse. His mind was empty, and he dare not tell the truth. He didn't want to ruin their friendship, "I-i um..." He tried to start, trying to gather something from the surrounding area. Unfortunately he couldn't think of anything.

"Mario you know you can tell me anything, right. I'm here for you," Jyles said, his gaze softened as he placed his hand onto Mario's chin, making Mario stare into his brown-copper eyes.

A light blush formed on Mario's face as he stared at the Jester. He blurted out a few miscellaneous words consisting of 'I', 'um', 'uh' and other things along those lines. He choked on his own words as he tried to speak, sadly nothing was coming out and he was an emmabrassed mess.

Jyles looked confused for a second before lightly smirking and letting out a chuckle. He had an idea. He cupped Mario's face with both his hands and put their forehead together. Mario's face became as red as a tomato as his heart began to pound.

Jyles smirked before smashing his lips into Mario's, kissing him. Mario was a bit taken back at first, but once he processed what was going on, he immediately melted into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Jyles' back and brought him closer, their chests pressing up against each other. Jyles' arms wrapped around Mario's neck.

After a minute or two they pulled back, but still embracing each other. Jyles smirked once more and chuckled, his purple blush dusting his face. Mario rested his face onto Jyles' shoulder, bringing his arm's from Jyles' back to resting on his hips, "I love you Jyles," He said.

"I love you too Mario," Jyles said back, kissing Mario's head. He then smiled, resting his head against Mario's head.

Bonus part:

As they hugged, Jyles could sense someone very familiar. He looked over into the trees and saw Riven. She held her phone up, a smirk on her face, mischief dancing around in her eyes.

Jyles looked at her with a face of neutral displeasure before rolling his eyes and resting his head against Mario's once more. Riven silently chuckled at this, before taking another picture and teleporting away.

~**Another's note**~


@XxFanficWolfxX I really hope you enjoyed this and was too your liking. Sorry it took so long I got caught up in other things but I do hope you like it.

Anyway I hope everyone enjoyed this. Reqests are open. Have a nice day

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