Chapter eight: abandoned house

Start from the beginning

We made it to the house and looking in amazement. It was pretty small but it looked so old and worn down. Way worse than the apartments.

Larry took this opportunity to bolt inside, holding up his hands making a rock sign, and screeching.

"L-Larry!" Sal yelled chasing after him, ducking through the broken door.

Todd was smiling and he fixed his glasses. "Anyone a little scared?"

"Dont worry man, we don't have to go in there, dicks out and screaming like them" I explained

Ash snorted and clapped her hands together.

We stepped into the old home, floorboards creaking and groaning. It definitely worried me a bit with how old the place was.

"Larry stop running around, you're going to hurt yourself!" We heard Sal scold him.

Finally, we met up with them and they were both very out of breath.

Sal clearly was trying to chase Larry, who was absolutely feral in this environment.

"Come on let's explore! There might be a dead body here!" Larry eagerly grabbed my arm and dragged me along with him.

It was so weird to see him get all excited about this, especially with the apartments being as strange as they are. Maybe it was because it was more normal than back home, and the excitement truly was that there wasn't anything.

The whole group walked together, going through each rooms and reading all the lame graffiti that decorated the walls.

Larry reached into his pocket and pulled out a marker.

"We should all write our names!" He suggested, already writing 'Larry was here' on the wall.

I stepped up beside him and took the marker when he was done. My name beneath his daintily, but still sticking out.

Before I knew it, Sal had come up beside me and wrote his name next to mine.

We all grouped our names together and I smiled at the tiny art piece we created. Lastly, I took the marker back and wrote underneath all our names 'forever'

It just felt like something that fit with all of us.

I looked over and Sal smiled under his mask as well.

"Come on, why don't we explore more! We can split up!" Ash called out, grabbing Sals hand quickly. "Sal and I can check the upstairs and you guys can scan down here some more!"

My eyes almost could burn holes into their intertwined fingers. It made me nauseous just seeing it.

I swallowed hard as they turned the corner and vanished upstairs.

Todd had a worried look on his face, as Larry put his arm around my shoulder "hey Todd, mind if talk to (Y/N) alone real fast?"

"Not at all, I'm going to look around a bit! I'll scream if I need you" he chuckled and walked out.

Larry turned me so I was facing him and placed two hands on my shoulders.

"You gotta stop letting them ruin your time." He started. I stayed silent "It's not healthy for you. You're getting yourself worked up"

I nodded "I know and I guess I'm not upset? Like he's my friend and I'm okay with that. I want him happy I just-"

"You're jealous, my friend" Larry sighed "and it's okay to be jealous. You just need to know when the line needs to be drawn. I don't want to see you get hurt"

fall for you (Sally Face x Reader) BOOK ONE, COMPLETE (book two continues here)Where stories live. Discover now