
"Baby, she can handle it. Our girl has shown us time and time again she is more than capable of handling herself." I explained to Anaya. "I know she can handle herself, but she was almost assaulted. I just want to make sure she's okay, mentally. Just check on her please." Anaya said. "I'm watching her, but I'm not leaving until we talk about it, I promise," I said. "Thank you, baby." She said. "And when you do deal with those boys show no mercy." She said. I chuckled. "Of course. I know I've been slacking but I'm back." I said. "I love you." She said. "I love you too," I said before we hung up.

I looked up seeing Raheem come from the back. "So, you sleep here often?" I asked. He looked my way. "No, sir." He said. "Do you know those boys—in the video?" I asked. "Elliot, Luke, and Dex." He said. I nodded my head. "You think Evie's okay?" I asked him. "She's a little shaken up." He said pausing. "But?" I asked. "I think it's something more. She said she's tired of people walking all over her. Treating her like she's weak." Raheem said. I looked at him. "You and I both know that Evie isn't weak." He said. I nodded my head. None of my kids are weak least of all Evie. I looked at Raheem seeing a familiar dark look.

It was the same look I had when Anaya was hurt. "I know what you're thinking," I said causing him to look up at me. "You want to hurt those boys," I said. He stood silent. "You can tell me," I said. "I don't want to overstep. I know she capable of protecting herself, but—" "You don't want her to have. I know. I was the same with her mother." I said. "I know you may want to get your—people involved but I want Evie to handle this herself," I told him. He looked at me realization washing over his face. "I'm ready," Evie said coming out with her backpack and phone in hand.


We were sitting at a small diner eating breakfast. "Well, ba—Evie—" Raheem said glancing at me before clearing his throat. I chuckled. "My mom wants to meet you." He said. Evie choked on her coffee and I couldn't help but laugh. "What?" She asked. "I was telling my mom about you—" "You talk to your parents about me?" Evie asked. I sat back watching the two of them and I smiled. They were far more stable than Anaya or I was at their age. "Of course, I do," Raheem said with a smile.

"You don't talk about me with your parents?" He asked her. "I do—well with my mom at least," Evie said glancing at me. I chuckled. "You can talk to me about him too. You just choose not to." I said. "That's because you get all weird about it," Evie said. "Because you were my first kid and seeing grown up and dating reminds me that you're not my baby anymore," I said. "I'm not a baby anymore but you are still my dad. I still need you, obviously." She said coming over hugging me. I smiled.

"Yes, you are," I said. "So, your mom wants to meet Evie?" I asked Raheem. "Yeah, she thinks it's time they met on a more formal introduction," Raheem explained. "I-I can do that," Evie said. She was obviously nervous. "Growing up I always used women to distract me, but with your mom, it was different than any other relationship I had been in. I felt different with her. I was different with her." I said looking at them both.

"It was a first for me and once I realized my feelings for her, I didn't want to ever lose her. And I hold nonna's opinion in high regards, so I knew she had to meet her." I paused. "And when she did nonna loved her and we were good," I said. They all looked at me. "Until mama left," Evie said shaking her head. "Left?" Raheem questioned. "My mom ran across the country with me," Evie said. "Damn," Raheem said. "I loved your mother but I wasn't a good guy. She did what she thought was right at the time. Sounds, bad but it is what it is. We've moved past that." I told them.

"What I'm saying is you two are far more mature than your mother and I were," I said. "Just take things slow. Enjoy dating each other." I said before looking down at my phone. "You said the office opens when?" I asked. "8 am," Raheem said. I looked up seeing both of them staring at me. "What?" I asked with a chuckle. "Can we hear some more?" Raheem asked sheepishly. I smiled. "Sure," I said. "What about when you met papa?" Evie asked. I chuckled. "That man has been threatening my life since I met him," I said laughing.

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