I Killed Sirius Black

Start from the beginning

"Has it occured to you, Harry, that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help so he could find out what he was up to?" Remus questioned him, his hands gripping his cutlery as he paused to speak.

"Ginny" George whispered, nudging her to open a Christmas cracker with him.

She ignored him with a roll of her eyes and I chuckled at the two.

"That's not what it sounded like." Harry excused.

"Perhaps Harry is right, Remus. I mean, to make an Unbreakable Vow..." I trailed off, not wanting to upset anyone by standing up for Harry.

"It comes down to whether or not you trust Dumbledore's judgement. Dumbledore trusts Snape, therefore, I do." Remus interrupted me with a stern gaze and a Fatherly telling off it seemed.

"Dumbledore can make mistakes. He said so himself" Harry reasoned, looking to me for help.

"You are blinded by hatred" Remus dismissed.

"I'm not" Harry argued.

"Yes, you are." Remus said firmly.

The table's idle chatter died down when Remus had snapped at Harry-his cycle was affecting him badly...Tonks shot me a sympathetic look as I leaned forward towards Remus.

"Dad" I said, as if reminding him that we were with company.

"People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We could only place our trust in a handful of people, if we started fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed" Remus explained, taking a breath to calm himself.

"Ginny" George whispered again and this time she obliged, tugging at one end of the cracker till it broke and a slinky sprung out at her.

Dinner was over and the kitchen was completely empty whilst the dishes cleaned themselves magically.

It was just Harry and I sat at the dining table.

The twins were in the living room with the others, telling jokes as people laughed loudly.

"You'll have to forgive Remus. It takes its toll, his condition" I told Harry sadly.

"Are you all right, Nezz? How's everyone been here?" Harry said with a pressed line on his forehead.

"We're being followed, all of us. Most days, Molly doesn't leave the house...It's not been easy" I confessed. "The Ministry is writing propaganda about the extinction of Kenesis Witches, they want me dead, Harry."

It was true. Everyone was scared and jittery, aside from the twins, they preferred to keep the laughter going by unleashing their new products around the Burrow-distracting Molly by driving her mad it seemed. Although, secretly, I don't think she minded.

"They can't actually kill you just because you're a Kenesis Witch, can they?" Harry asked nervously.

"If the Wizarding world deems me a big enough threat..." I bit my lip worriedly.

"Well that's ridiculous! What do Fred and Remus think about this?" Harry said passionately.

"Fred's furious every time he reads the daily prophet. He's started burning every copy we get sent before I can read them. And Remus...he's trying to work with Arthur in the Ministry but it's not easy. Arthur isn't high up enough to ask for any information about their plans for me" I sighed.

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