He was so lost in thought, he didn't even realize his breathing became rapid and unsteady as he began to cry.

Prussia noticed his little brother's state and walked over to him and began to rub his back and pull him into a hug.

"It'll be alright Luddy, it's over. Everything will be okay." Prussia said in a soothing voice. He continued to rub Germany's back.

The next scene began to fade in.

There was a large group of people standing in a field.

In the center was a woman in a light green Celtic dress with a darker green cloak. She had thick eyebrows, bright green eyes, and long, fiery red hair in two braids resting on her shoulders.

She was surrounded by a group of what seemed to be warriors. There were also several children around her.

"Momma, can we go play now?" Allistor asked.

"Tha, you can. Go on ahead, I'll join you in a little bit." Britannia smiled.

The children cheered and sprinted off into the forest.

Britannia smiled at the children as they ran off. She looked back to her warriors, one of which had a serious face.

"Evelyn, with these people coming and staying, we've been pushed back away from our original homes. We all believe you will fade if this continues. So, will you?"

Britannia looked down with a stone face. Would she fade, she had a feeling. Especially since the one who came and invaded her is apparently one of the ancients who killed her sister.

"Honestly, yes. I believe I will fade soon." Britannia stated somberly.

"How will you tell your children?" Another warrior asked.

"I feel that Áine (Ireland), Seamus (N.Ireland), and Allistor suspect something. I have no choice but to tell them. I need you to keep an eye on the settlement and Germania, I will tell my children."

"Understood." A warrior nods. They head off to scout out and keep an eye on Germania's settlement.

The scene changed once again. They saw Britannia with her children. They were inside a roundhouse as it was pouring rain outside.

All of the children seemed to be either crying or simply down. It seemed that Britannia had already told them that she would be fading.

The nations were a bit surprised by the time skip. So far, they had seen when the Ancients tell them that they're fading. But it seemed to have been skipped over.

They decided to not question it and keep watching.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Britannia's feet began to fade away.

"Momma!" Arthur cried, holding onto Britannia tightly.

"I want you all to stay together, even in tough times like war. I need you all to remember you are siblings, you need to stick together.

The British siblings and Ireland all tensed. Oh how they had failed that one request.

How disappointed their mother had to be with them.

"Do you want anything else mam?" Emrys asked through sobs.

"Yes, please all of you. Can you all smile for me? Just one last smile, before I fade?" Britannia choked down sobs.

All of the children reluctantly smiled to fulfill her last request for them.

"Yes, just like that. I love all of you." Britannia was smiling through thick tears.

She finally faded away, leaving the crying children.

All of the siblings had begun crying. Everything was going so well, they had a new brother, and then their mother fucking faded?! How was that fair?!

Sealand was crying a bit too. He wasn't there, he hadn't been born yet. But he could feel some sense of family from Britannia.

They nations didn't have much time to prepare before the next memory began.

The memory began showing Iberia walking through what seemed to be a city. She was being followed by three small children.

She stopped by a small fountain what looked kind of like an outdoor market place. João, Antonio, and Alèxia stopped along with her and decided to explore a bit.

Eventually, Antonio got curious and ran over to Iberia.

"Madre! Who are the people coming over in those boats?" The happy child asked, with the pure excitement and curiosity that only children could have.

The other two children became curious and jogged as fast as they could over to Antonio and Iberia.

Iberia seemed a bit hesitant, but answered anyways. "I'm not sure." She admitted.

"Will they hurt us or our people?" João asked.

Iberia was a bit caught off guard. She wasn't expecting one of her children to ask that question yet.

"I'm afraid, I can't be sure. We have no choice but to wait and see what they'll do." Iberia stated solemnly.

"Will you fade? Like what you told us about Troy?" Alèxia asked.

Iberia then just about fell backwards into the fountain. Why were they suddenly asking such loaded questions?!

"W-Why are you asking that?"

"I was just wondering. Since we're supposed to be countries after you, will you fade?"

Iberia started to think about it. She had a good point, it made sense. She'd had a weird feeling that she was going to fade for a while now. And with strange people coming to her lands, it just made too much sense.

"It is likely. Unfortunately, we will just have to wait to see what will happen." Iberia stated.

The scene then changed to show the same city a while later. A battle had broken out between Iberia, Carthage, and their respective people.

"Damnit Carthage!" Iberia growled.

"Silence. You won't be standing for much longer." Carthage deadpanned.

The two fought for what seemed like hours longer, until Iberia was forced to the ground.

"Any last words Iberia?" Carthage smirked.

"If you're going to kill me, just get it over with."

Carthage then walked up to Iberia and raised his sword.


And brought the sword down in one swift movement, striking Iberia.

Her lifeless body immediately falls to the ground.


The scene faded away as the other nations were left in shock.

The Iberian siblings were looked down. That was not something they wanted to remember. That incident left them always having a distrust of Carthage.

"Is everyone ready to go eat before we watch the last memories for today?" Kalaallit asked.

Everyone nodded and headed off to either cook or wait for food.

Sorry that it took me over a month to get this out.

As you can tell, I ran out of ideas for the last bit. I'm just trying to get this out and motivation hates me :/

I got a switch over Christmas, along with Fire Emblem Three Houses. I've been playing it for hours for a while. That's one excuse for this taking so long.

Hope you enjoyed, plus the normal stuff I say-

Bien- French- Good
Maman- French- Mom
Mutti- German- Mom
Ta gueule batard- French- Shut up bastard
Madre- Spanish- Mother
Mamãe- Portuguese- Mom

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