Sun Hui liked to think himself as asexual, if anything. Honestly, he was terrified of sex. He was practically forced to have sex with several woman in the majority of the worlds he went to. Yeah, so why am I getting erections?

Sun Hui took a few sips of water and a few chips like last time. Today marked the day of his new life, the original Sun Hui's new life. He was going to make a living and be useful. He would finally be able to afford his own things.

It was now seven. Sun Hui had given up avoiding Wang Shuo in the morning after yesterday. He'd only seem to run into him anyways. He made his way downstairs, never acknowledging his parents. His sister was waiting by the door, her whole body anxious. When she felt Sun Hui near her, she scowled at him.

"You better be grateful to Shuo, Fruit. I bet he's only acting nice now because he has a big surprise for you later. There's no way he would completely forget about you, you're his favorite punching bag. Though, I doubt you'll even last that long. Once he graduates, you'll resort back to nothing," Sun Lin grumbled. Sun Hui just stared at her. She talks too much. It's so annoying. She's too full of herself, it's disgusting. Who does she think she is? An Oracle?

"I'm not too sure about the part being 'nothing,'" Sun Hui countered. "Also, while you were talking, Wang had arrived. What kind of girlfriend are you?"

Sun Lin brightened up, opening the door. Before she stepped outside, she gave Sun Hui a lingering glare.

Sun Hui rolled his eyes and also stepped out, closing the door behind him. Wang Shuo only quickly glanced at him, talking to his girlfriend.

Sun Hui couldn't help but look him over again. I have to admit, he fits the bad boy role perfectly. He smokes in school, he literally "rules" the school, he's muscular, and he always has that cold look on his face.

He also liked his cold, narrowed silver eyes and side swept silver bangs that he wished to brush aside with his fingers, but he would never admit that so openly. It was ridiculous.

Still, he looks older than his age. He has this mature look going on, even though deep inside he's a big baby. Sun Hui inwardly snickered at his thoughts.

When Wang Shuo pushed Sun Lin away and got into his car without a word, just like yesterday, the two siblings felt conflicting emotions. Sun Hui was shocked and confused, certain that this boy, no, man, wasn't Wang Shuo. Where are the insults?

Sun Lin was bubbling with rage. She had expected Wang Shuo to insult him or call him names just like every morning. Two times in a row? Something was up. She glared at Sun Hui again. She was positive he had something to do with Wang Shuo's behavior. Did he infect him? Did Wang Shuo actually care about the boy? What did this mean for her?

Lately, Wang Shuo had been claiming that fucking her was like fucking a blow up doll—never fully satisfying. Sun Lin was embarrassed. Not because she got caught that day, but because Wang Shuo seemed to be getting bored. Impossible, I have to keep him so that way I can marry into his family. It would be beneficial for the Sun family in both wealth and status. Plus, I get to have the hottest man in town. I'll be with the man I love.

Sun Lin was willing to bring down her brother. After all, he had attempted to break them up before by telling her rumors. Sun Lin was determined, she was certain that Wang Shuo wouldn't break up with her. He was just moody. He would come to realize that they are in love soon.

Sun Lin had brushed off her brother, and when she found out his secret, she didn't hesitate to expose it. She needed to get rid of him so that way he couldn't get in between them. It wasn't hard. The whole family always thought something was wrong with Sun Hui, but they acted civil. Being homophobes and finding out that their son was gay broke the line. However, it seemed like her plan had failed in terms of an obstacle. He was still an obstacle, perhaps an even bigger one. She had to find another way.

"Are you listening to me?" Wang Shuo asked, rubbing his forehead in irritation. Sun Lin blinked. They were already at the school, and apparently he had been talking to her. A blush covered her face in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Shuo. What was it?" she asked innocently.

"I said you can't insult your brother anymore. Only I can," he said.

"Only you? He's my brother!" Sun Lin exclaimed. " this why the bullying toned down? It was you?"

"Of course it was me. Who do you think has the power to make everyone stop?" Wang Shuo raised an eyebrow, daring her to name someone else. Sun Lin gulped, her blush deepening. He looked away. "Just listen to me for once."

"Why are you being so distant with me? And what do you mean 'for once'? Did I do something wrong?" Sun Lin whined.

Wang Shuo grimaced. He finally begun to realize how annoying this girl was. Her body wasn't even that good. Why did I use her, again?

He got out of his car, grabbing a cigar from his pant pocket and lighting it. He had no idea why he suddenly felt like only he should hurt the boy. At first, he was okay with everyone joining in on the fun. Then, he felt guilty after the boy told him the reality of homosexuality. It was just a different love, that's all it was. It wasn't a disease or something putrid. It was just love. But now? Now he got angry whenever the thought of someone hurting him entered his mind. He didn't understand it. He felt like it should be him and only him that hurt him, no one else. Whatever the reason for these sudden feelings, Wang Shuo somehow knew it wasn't guilt. It was borderline on possessive, almost. Maybe even care. I care about no one but myself and family. He's just another person in my way is all.

He sucked harder on his cigar, but even then his mind went dirty with Sun Hui as the subject. What's wrong with me?

When Sun Hui got to school, he realized that people still weren't bothering him like usual. What's going on? I'm starting to expect an apocalypse (wouldn't be the first time, either).

Wang Shuo was leaning against the lockers with a group of other popular boys at school. The girls who passed them gawked dreamily while the boys glared at them with envy. Wang Shuo, like always, just simply glared back and acted indifferent. Sun Hui wished he always minded his own business and didn't beat up people who upset him just for fun. Sun Hui was suddenly considering the idea he had multiple personalities. Or maybe he just had extreme anger issues and didn't do well with people. The latter seemed more likely to be the case.

He looked at Wang Shuo, who was smoking a cigar. Sun Lin seemed to be pouting, trying her best to get his attention. He's ignoring her? At least try to stay together for a few more days. I want two blows in one day.

Sun Hui was slightly panicking. His plan couldn't be ruined. He needed them to break up after the exposure, not before.

Wang Shuo glanced at Sun Hui from the corner of his eye, only half paying attention to his group. Sun Lin was clinging on his arm, making him finding her even more annoying. You should be glad I'm not throwing you away right now. Be lucky I still feel some lust towards you. Even then, I'm sure the lust isn't even towards you, but your brother. Gah, I'm going off again!

The bell rang, signaling the start of school. Their eyes met, black to silver, then they faded in along with the crowd.

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